Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

0 comments, 09/02/2017, by , in Marketing

There is a lot of hype surrounding artificial intelligence, or AI, in marketing. The largest tech giants in the industry such as Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft and LinkedIn are putting forth efforts to commercialise AI. It has also started playing an important role in several other industries, and more marketing agencies are trying to understand how artificial intelligence can improve their advertising and marketing efforts.

There are several examples of how artificial intelligence is transforming the way marketers reach their customer base.

Content Generation

Artificial intelligence is able to be used during the process of optimising and generating ads. This is why marketers should not be surprised that AI is able to create content in order to populate ads. In fact, a plethora of articles related to finance and sports are not written by humans. These articles are written by AI. This trend is set to spread into other industries as well.

The sports and finance industries are well known industries that place a lot of focus on numbers. This makes it very easy for artificial intelligence to not only understand the data that is presented, but to also translate it into articles that can be read by humans.

As more industries turn their focus to numbers, more content will be generated by automated programs.

Sales Forecasting

Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable increase in the interest of applications of computer ergonomics in intelligent stores and intelligent mobiles. This marketing strategy using AI can help marketers answer such questions as:

  • Has the time come to disqualify a potential lead?
  • Should you send the lead an email response?
  • Is your potential prospect ready for an invitation to meet with you one on one?

Data Breach Prevention

Interest in security analytics is not something new, but over the past few years it has become increasingly more sophisticated. The solutions that are presented have to be able to quickly react to new tactics from fraudsters. The solutions must also be able to analyse data that is unstructured. Natural language and artificial intelligence processing techniques may be used to view the text that is inside transactions, and transform it into readable and structured data.

Product Launch

There is a range of new products that are being launched by different industries. These products have artificial intelligence embedded inside of them. For example, LG launched smart refrigerators. BMW has used its iGenius technology for an advertisement campaign in the development of the manufacturer’s first electric car, the car9.

The technology was used to answer potential customers’ questions regarding the manufacturer’s new electric car prototype. The questions were answered by text. The iGenius technology was instrumental in helping BMW answer questions simultaneously, and reduced the need for the manufacturer to hire customer service employees or training dealers.

Although these examples may sound futuristic, creative minds in the marketing industry have already started implementing solutions that are driven by artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence solutions can handle most of the tedious and mundane marketing tasks, and allows marketers to focus on other aspects of their businesses.

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