How to Optimize Your Guest Posting Regimen

0 comments, 24/09/2016, by , in Marketing, SEO

Home Sofa OfficeMany bloggers are now turning to guest posting and blogging as one way to earn high-quality links and build relationships within niches. Guest blogging can be an excellent element of SEO when used properly, but many people struggle initially when trying to find interested blogs and sites. Most websites will not accept random solicitations for guest blogging opportunities, which just so happens to be how most people initially approach the concept. If you are just beginning to flesh out your guest posting regimen or have been running into difficulties in getting accepted, then continue reading to find out how you can optimize the process.

Carefully Select Targets

Let’s face it: in the pursuit of building links and reputation via guest posting, we might consider looking at places that have nothing to do with our own niches. While there are ways to get published on blogs and websites that aren’t directly related to your site’s focus, it is often hard to do so when soliciting organic guest posting gigs. By pinging websites with offers that directly relate to your niche, you can incentivize the offer for those you are contacting. This will give them peace of mind that the content you’re willing to create is worth publishing and not potentially a liability for them with search engine algorithms and audiences.

Highlight Your Expertise

If you have been writing for years on a particular subject but do not yet have a reputation, then it’s a good idea to mention in your pitch that you have experience in the field. Another big mistake people make is that they assume webmasters will carefully comb through their websites in the act of verifying how qualified they are in an area. Be sure to provide a brief but descriptive summary of why you’re the best person to contribute to their blog or website. Many people are dying for fresh content, but they won’t accept it from just anyone. If you are an expert in any facet whatsoever, don’t be afraid to point it out!

Initiate Prior Interaction

When you contact a blog or website out of the blue, it can be a bit jarring and feel off-putting to many. A crucial part of successful guest posting revolves around building relationships. You should strive to become a familiar presence on the blog or site before initiating any contact. Be sure to leave the occasional comment on a blog post, interact with the owners on Facebook and Twitter, and otherwise be a contributing element in their day-to-day rituals. This will help outline your expertise on many occasions and show that you are just as much a part of their community as anybody else. It becomes much more difficult for bloggers to say no to a guest posting opportunity when you’ve been pinging websites they curate on a regular basis.

Building a reputation via guest posting is worth it, but you’ll have to strive for the very best opportunities. By initiating interaction with the website before making an offer, highlighting your expertise and carefully selecting your targets, you can maximize the likelihood of getting a “yes”.

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