Ensuring Your Small Budget Gets the Most Content Marketing Effectiveness

0 comments, 13/02/2016, by , in Marketing

Small BudgetContent marketing has proven to be a formidable element in the toolbox of marketers, bloggers and brands that wish to expose themselves to larger audiences. While search engine optimization remains an important part of marketing and exposure in search engines, content marketing allows brands to reach people through a variety of mediums and in a nearly instantaneous fashion. Despite this, some forms of content marketing take ample amounts of work and time in order to be successful. However, those wishing to gain exposure quickly and who are willing to pay for it can maximize their efforts by being as efficient as possible. Today, we’ll discuss how brands operating on a small budget can ensure their content marketing efforts enjoy maximum effectiveness through any and all mediums.

Utilize Cost-Effective Mediums

Not all mediums and outlets are created equally with respect to cost effectiveness. Some platforms – such as social media – can supply large, targeted audiences with information about your brand and at a certain cost. Other mediums, like radio and television – can broadcast a message in a very expensive fashion, but without being custom-tailored to specific audiences. Pinging users who are not receptive to your message is a big no-no when dealing with small budgets. Content marketing solutions through email, search and social media can all be great ways to ensure that only those who truly would find interest in your product, service or brand see the advertising. When the name of the game is saving money, it is important to do proper research in order to determine which outlets provide the most cost-effective solution and approach.

Evaluate Competitor Performance

While you might not be able to determine exactly how much your competition is spending on each and every engagement, it is possible to do research across several different platforms to determine whether or not your competitors are targeting (or performing well in) a variety of mediums. Well-established competitors may already have figured out where to focus and where not to focus, which can be valuable information for you and help you to save even more money when marketing content. By evaluating the number of shares, comments, subscribers and backlinks when possible, you can help determine from where your competitors are generating their biggest advantages.

Be Determined About Quality

With so many different avenues through which to pursue content marketing efforts, it can be easy to find outlets through which large amounts of exposure can be achieved. However, those with smaller budgets must focus on the quality of the exposure, rather than the quantity. Additionally, the content being marketed must follow the same guidelines: rather than posting a new piece every day that is thin in nature, one or two posts per week that provide detailed and valuable information to readers will be a far better investment when pinging users on social media, via email and through other sources. While having lots of content to promote does create more opportunities in which to be seen, the quality of content matters so much more and will ensure that each content marketing effort yields better results on smaller budgets.

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