Using Squidoo to Drive Traffic to Your Site

19 comments, 03/08/2011, by , in Marketing

Website TrafficThe website is an excellent way of driving traffic to your website. Squidoo allows you to build a webpage on any subject you like and the beauty of this is that it’s a simple matter of dragging and dropping various modules into your page to provide appropriate content. Squidoo call these pages “Lenses” and it’s perfectly possible to attain high Google rankings with a Lens. Here are some suggestions on how to go about using Squidoo to drive traffic to your website.

Begin by checking out the high ranking lenses for your chosen topic. Squidoo has hundreds of categories from which to choose and you can see these on the entry screen.

Once you have chosen your topic, its time to choose appropriate keywords. Do the normal keyword research and then make sure that you include the search term in the name of your Lens. This means that the Lens you create will have the keywords embedded in the URL.

The next key is to ensure that your Lens is packed with useful content. This means a mixture of traditional “drag and drop” modules in addition to some original articles. It’s also possible to include various graphics files. In the same way that you use keyword research, also search for suitable graphics and include those in your Lens. This makes the Lens much more attractive and easier to read.

Once you are happy with your included content, its time to publish your Lens. This is a simple couple of mouse clicks and then your Lens will be live. This is not the end of the matter. It’s now necessary to keep adding content in the same way as a normal web page. Also add an opt-in form to your Lens so that you can collect email addresses to which you can market.

The final step is to make sure that the search engines know that your Lens exists and that it has quality content.  The best way of doing this is to use our automatic pinging service to ping your Squidoo URL.



  1. August 5th, 2011 8:50

    wow this Article is just precise on the point for me to improve my squidoo page ..thanks for the info…;)


  2. August 6th, 2011 4:47

    Thanks for the great post. I do really believe that a well researched keyword is the main key and using Squidoo offer a free tools to build your website.


  3. August 6th, 2011 14:07

    yes, your correct. Squidoo is do follow website and it will get you traffic as well as rankings and pinging the article makes the article more exposure which will brings awesome traffic


  4. August 6th, 2011 14:33

    This article is very helpful! I’ve listed there…


  5. August 7th, 2011 4:21

    Thanks for the share, I’ve been looking into squidoo lately and think it’s and excellent traffic driver


  6. August 8th, 2011 11:46

    I have just produced my first squidoo lense and after using pingler google indexed almost immediately. 🙂


  7. August 11th, 2011 7:08

    Thanks for the information you past on is helpful.


  8. August 11th, 2011 16:29

    Oh really, I never tried
    Any one have used it ? if yes, how effective it ? I will give it a try soon


  9. August 12th, 2011 14:59

    Is this a new tool to drive traffic to our site, Is this effective anyway?


  10. August 12th, 2011 17:03

    I’ve forgotten my Squidoo lens already until I stumble upon this article. Thanks!


  11. August 13th, 2011 11:23

    Squidoo is do follow website. it`s very good for SEO.


  12. August 16th, 2011 2:53

    I have to try this trick, looks great!


  13. August 16th, 2011 10:00

    A word of caution – Squidoo does have fairly strict rules on spam subjects. Do take time to see what they do allow and what they don’t allow else you will find your lens (and your hard work) deleted.


  14. August 17th, 2011 10:35



  15. August 21st, 2011 6:51

    wow.. thank you for your tips. it’s very helpful. squidoo is effective and simple, you can exploide it.


  16. August 21st, 2011 14:25

    A very good article, with an informative view on gaining valuable traffic using Squidoo.


  17. August 23rd, 2011 2:55

    Thanks for this helpful post to get free traffic for my site!


  18. September 7th, 2011 8:17

    I use the squidoo to make SEO website.It’s very works!!


  19. May 25th, 2012 1:25

    I have been trying to decide between a Hub Page or Squidoo lens, and I think I will go with Squidoo….

    Apparently, Hub pages has introduced many rules, that would make it difficult to have your article approved…Not to mention numerous other rules that would make traffic generation, promoting and optimization from the hub, quite difficult…

    This was according to an article I just read a few moments ago…

    I will go check out Hub pages and read their TOS, just to make sure…


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