Important Data-points to Analyse in Your Search Data

0 comments, 18/11/2015, by , in General

Data SearchMost websites – and even simple blogs – have in-site search functions enabled. The primary function of this option is to allow visitors to find information, posts and products in a timely fashion, but there are other uses for it as well. One important function that this can provide is data on what your visitors care about the most. When understanding this data on a more nuanced level, more accurate content and product-related decisions can be made. Below, we’ll outline the most important data-points to consider and evaluate when analysing any site-based search data.

Top Search Terms

When digging into the data-points related to in-site search data, the most important thing that can be analysed is the top search terms being pinged by users. In this data, you will be able to determine which specific products and topics users most often want to find or learn more about from your offerings. With this information in hand, you can begin pinging users with more content that relates to these concepts on the main page, in email marketing campaigns and through social media. By understanding which search terms are most popular on your website, you’ll be better prepared to shape content marketing strategies around them for maximum benefit.

“Failed” Results

When digging through in-site search data, it should be relatively easy to discover which terms and phrases are not yielding the results that individuals are craving. In some cases, this may be due to improper optimization of tags and other elements on each page and post. In other cases, there may simply be topics and products that you are not currently offering. Especially in the latter case, knowing this can help you to uncover how better to expand your offerings to please a given audience. In the former case, you may discover content that is already available but not optimized to reach search users through this method. In both cases, you will have a better understanding of how to more adequately saturate users’ desires by ensuring that content appears in as many searches as possible.

Timing of Searches

Another important point that can be extracted from in-site search data relates to the when and where of searches conducted. For instance, seasonal shoppers and content accessors won’t be looking for various forms of information year-round in equal proportions. Understanding when people are searching for select products will help you to start pinging users at just the right time each year or season. Likewise, some forms of content may be more popular during certain hours or days of the week. By knowing when precisely these forms of information are most popular, you will be able to more adequately time posting of such content to fit this time-frame.


In-site search data can be a very valuable form of information to bloggers and content creators. By determining top search terms, failed searches and periods in which select forms of content are most popular, you can fill in the gaps, serve content to users more effectively and time its delivery for maximum results.

Search Data

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