The Rise and Rise of Affiliate Marketing

8 comments, 29/07/2011, by , in Marketing

Rise ArrowMost new internet marketers eventually decide to try their hand at affiliate marketing and most find it more difficult than it first appears and quickly move onto other ideas to make money online. It is, however, worth while persevering with affiliate marketing and a number of affiliate marketers make significant sums of money simply from promoting other peoples products. Let’s take a brief look at how to do it correctly.

There are basically three things you need to get right to succeed;

  1. The right product
  2. The right affiliate offer
  3. Generating sufficient traffic to your offer

Let’s examine each one of these in turn. The right product is essential in affiliate marketing and this means a quality product. Don’t be afraid to search for the right product – most people start with that old favorite Clickbank and this is probably a good place to start.  They allow you to search by a number of criteria – and one way of differentiating yourself is to concentrate on new additions which have not yet become popular. Contact the vendor and ask for further information about the product and even for a free review copy so you can really see how good it is…..this has the advantage of allowing you to include details about the product in your advertising which few other people could include since they have not actually seen the product.

The right offer is also important. How best to promote the product? Here you can include details from the product since you have a copy. Think carefully about adding a suitable free bonus to the actual affiliate product. You would be surprised how often this makes your offer stand apart from other similar offers. Also emphasize the products benefits – to the purchaser. The old adage is to “sell the sizzle and not the sausage” – good advice! Special offers could be PLR products which are low cost or even free to buy.

Finally to point 3 – the job of getting sufficient traffic. One way of doing this is to carry out some keyword research and find some that adequately describe the product but that also do not have too much competition. This can be included in a few articles developing the theme of the offer and provide a back link to your affiliate site. This site will contain details of the product and its benefits. Also include some reviews of the product – many affiliate product owners can supply these to you, so make use of them.

So, if you want to get ahead in affiliate marketing then follow the three points described above and set yourself apart from other affiliate marketers!



  1. July 29th, 2011 11:16

    Thanks, good advice. It’s always good to offer something of value, free with your affiliate offer. And asking for a review copy is a great idea as well!


  2. Rob
    August 3rd, 2011 7:04

    I love the idea of offering something additional. This makes all the sense. Also, I’ve been considering the idea of posting part of my eBook so value can be seen.
    Thanks for the ideas.


  3. August 4th, 2011 12:42

    yes you are right. the most difficult thing for me is how to drive stable huge traffic for my affiliate site. how?


  4. August 9th, 2011 15:04

    I am yet to venture into affiliate marketing but have been on the verge for a while. You have given some good tips on ensuring I have the edge over the run of the mill affilliate marketings so I think I will definitely go ahead and take the plunge. Thanks a lot.


  5. August 10th, 2011 15:20

    There are a lot of tactics about affiliate marketing but the strategy is quite the same.

    What you said is the very general strategy, in my opinion.


  6. August 11th, 2011 11:48

    Thank you for the informative article. The key to sucess in affiliate marketing is definitely driving high traffic to the affiliate site. However it is important that this this is qualified traffic with big conversion potential. If you 1000 visitors per day but only a conversion rate below 1%, it doesn’t help that much.


  7. September 16th, 2011 23:39

    really useful tips, thanks!


  8. September 16th, 2011 23:42

    really helpful tips for anyone who wants to start a business afiliet, thanks!


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