Creative Ways to Add Christmas Spirit to Your Social Media Posts

0 comments, 15/12/2016, by , in Marketing, Social Media

Christmas is a fantastic time; the world seems to shine. There’s a joy and excitement that just isn’t present the rest of the year. It can also be hard work. Sales businesses have their busiest time of the year at Christmas, where some others will struggle to keep clients interested when they have so much going on. Social media marketing is an incredibly important tool for any business. It is a great way to communicate and advertise. Use it to spread Christmas joy to your followers, as well as cheering yourself and your staff up, while you’re all working hard.


It’s always a good idea with social media profiles to keep them relevant. The world of social media moves so quickly; look at your Twitter feed, it’s constantly changing. You need good profile pictures and covers to grab people’s attention. Add some Christmases shots. If it’s a photo of you, put on a Santa hat or a Christmas jumper. Add tinsel or holly to Logos. Small changes can really make a difference.

Special Christmas Offers

Are you planning any special offers over Christmas? Share them on all your social media profiles with fun Christmas graphics. Consider making special offers just for your followers, to reward their loyalty.


Why not move away from your business? Write some entertaining, but still relevant posts. No one wants to be reading long winded business essays over Christmas. Write a Christmas tips post, or share Christmas recipes. You might find you reach a whole new market.

Gift Guides

If it’s in any way relevant to you, publish a gift guide. Don’t just include your own products. Make a cool graphic for it, and share it on Pinterest. This kind of thing is very popular at Christmas time, so make sure yours stands out from the crowd. Use the same colours as on your branding and add your logo to make it instantly recognisable. Don’t forget to link back to your business website.


Chat with your followers. Ask questions and host a Christmas-themed post. Make things a little more personal than usual. Christmas isn’t a time to be serious. Have some fun and get to know people. More importantly, let them get to know the people behind your business.  Reply to any comments, thank people for their time, and really engage with people. Christmas is the perfect time to build relationships, trust, and loyalty.


Giving is, after all, a huge part of Christmas time. Put a Christmas countdown on your pages and run give-away days or competitions. People absolutely love free stuff, your posts will get shared more than ever, and people will remember your generosity a long time after Christmas has gone.

Christmas is a great time to have some fun with your social media pages. People will remember it long in to the New Year. Follow these tips, you’ll have a great time, your profiles will thrive, and traffic to your business will increase. Enjoy yourself, that’s what Christmas is all about. Whatever else you decide to do, make sure you remember to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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