Vine – Social Media’s Next Big Thing

0 comments, 28/07/2013, by , in Social Media

Video MediaIf you like to be on the cutting edge of all that is new with the online world, you couldn’t help but take notice of Vine, the video based social media sharing site. Vine is a platform which allows users to create 6 second videos and share them with friends. Sound simple? That’s because it is, and that’s also probably the main reason why it is gaining so many new users every day. We think it could be social media’s next big thing, and here’s why.

Great for Business

Vine essentially is six seconds to show off, and with so many companies using social media to push forward their offerings, we know that’s no bad thing. If you’ve got a great product, why not share a few seconds of someone from your company using it? It’s great for people to get a visual idea of how your product works, and guess what? You’re going to get good, healthy, nutritional backlinks from those sharing your video too!

Educate Your Customers

If there’s one great way to help with engaging your client base, it is by helping them to understand more clearly what you can do for them and what your products can do for them. If you think it’s obvious what you do, then remember that you are immersed in your work all the time. The occasional user of your products or services might not actually have a fantastic understanding of your products, and a short demonstrational video can help to alleviate this problem.

Give a Clear History of Your Company

It’s amazing how much information you can pack into six seconds. A potted history of your company? Check. A clear vision of your future? Check. A short summary of what your business can do for customers? Check. In fact, if you can’t tell your customers all about your company in a vine video, it might be time to invest in a creative department for your firm!

Everyone is Using It!

Vine is growing exponentially every day. It is attracting more people all the time, and the head count in June was 13 million. Whether we do or don’t know just how useful Vine could be for businesses out there, there’s no denying that most people don’t want to miss out on a market that size, bearing in mind that minimal effort is required to get up and running.

Videos are Fun!

It sounds obvious, but research tells us that people are more engaged watching a video than they are reading something. This is marketing at its base level, but so what? If people are engaged, than take advantage. Tell people all about your business, safe in the knowledge that they are enjoying a bite sized piece of information that they can hardly fail to understand!

There’s no doubt that Vine is going to be huge. Instagram have launched their video version of their photo classic, but there’s no telling how that will stand up to the already launched Vine. Give it a try today, and see how much fun you can have while you improve the marketing scope of your business.

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