U.S. Businesses Rake in Trillions of Dollars in Online Sales

0 comments, 24/11/2013, by , in News, Online Business

Dollars OnlineMore businesses are realising the importance of having a strong online presence in order to generate sales as companies around the world are using the online marketplace to increase their annual profits by promoting themselves and selling their products directly to consumers. It’s no wonder, therefore, that these same organisations are also constantly in search of employees who are skilled in both business as well as in computer technology, as these are the talented staff members who will be able to combine the best of both worlds and enhance a company’s online reputation to improve sales.

Many Business Still Unconnected to Broadband

Even though online sales added up to about 11% of the United States’ Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, in 2012, resulting in about $1.7 trillion, many businesses aren’t taking advantage of the opportunity to grow and expand online. In fact, a Business Technology Survey conducted in 2013 found that about 1.8 million companies are still not even connected to broadband, which has a hugely positive impact upon sales and customer service, as well as overall productivity.

Difficulty Finding Qualified Employees

Another hurdle that many U.S. based companies need to overcome is the ability to find qualified employees who can dive into a role that requires internet and computer skills. Nearly half of the businesses surveyed admitted that they couldn’t find the employees with the skills they needed to move their companies into the online marketplace successfully.

Mobile Devices Also Becoming More Popular

More business owners and their employees are also using tablet devices in addition to computers at their offices and on the go. About one in five U.S. businesses already use tablet computers, and if other organisations want to remain competitive, no matter how large or small they are, they’ll need to follow suit and become accustomed to utilising these new tools to generate more profits each year, especially if they want to take advantage of the opportunities found in the lucrative online marketplace.

Using the Internet to Connect with Employees and Customers

Over 4.9 million businesses that are found in the United States alone already use the internet to directly interact with their customers and provide customer service whenever necessary. And over 2.5 million companies use the internet to advertise job opportunities within their organisations and even accept job applications online.

A New Strategy to Help Small Businesses Grow and Succeed

U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Penny Pritzker, has plans that she hopes will help businesses improve the way they operate. The U.S. Department of Commerce, also known as the DOC, has established what’s referred to as the “Open for Business” plan, in which Secretary Pritzker wants cutting-edge technologies and a talented workforce to create a viable digital economy that will help small businesses succeed against their competition.

By improving the amount of access that small businesses have to services like broadband internet and other forms of newer technology, the hope is that more companies will be able to utilise the online marketplace to increase their sales and improve their relationships with their customers.

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