The world's largest social media giant is constantly unveiling new changes and potential tweaks to its platform, much to the chagrin of the masses who use it. Some features remain after initial beta testing, while others are found to be irrelevant or unpopular. One new change causing a lot of buzz l... Read more...
Recently, the United Kingdom voted on a referendum that pertained to its status within the European Union. By a narrow margin – 52-48 – the UK voted to leave the EU. The long-term implications of this decision remain unclear, as does the notion of whether the UK will in fact follow through with ... Read more...
Since the dawn of the internet, countless brands and websites have used core components of SEO to affect their placement in search results. While the job used to be much easier, today's SEO challenges are vast and complex. Many brands require full-time staffers in order to optimize their search engi... Read more...
Digital marketing and advertising budgets these days are through the roof when compared to just a few years ago. Many advertisers in years past thought that mobile advertisement would be a gimmick – that it would never comprise a hefty majority of online digital marketing efforts. Yet, the day in ... Read more...
For years, Google has been tasked with serving a majority of the world's internet users with relevant and safe content. Hundreds upon hundreds of different metrics and algorithm changes have been provided and assessed in order to deliver on such promises, which has re-shaped how we view content crea... Read more...
The latest iPhone 6 has just been released but already there's significant talk of the next version. And in fact, there's talk that Apple will actually come out with three iPhones in 2016. Here's some of the latest buzz: The 4-Inch Screen Isn't Dead There's talk that Apple will be coming out w... Read more...