Everything You Need to Know About Long-tail Keywords

0 comments, 10/01/2022, by , in Online Business, SEO

Being able to build a long-term presence in search results is a lofty goal for many brands, businesses and blogs. There are numerous methods for expanding visibility in search, but not all produce the same results – and more importantly, not all brands can equally obtain visibility with each method.

Long gone are the days where any brand or business could easily obtain visibility by targeting any keyword or phrase: the nature of competition these days means every website must be crafty in terms of targeting search results. Over time, the emergence of long-tail keywords have become a prominent entry point for new and emerging brands seeking to make a name for themselves in the world of search.

But what exactly are long-tail keywords and what do brands need to know about them? Let’s take a look at this concept so you can utilize it to the best of your ability.

What Are Long-tail Keywords?

At its core, the definition of a long-tail keyword revolves around the use of multiple keywords to reach a more defined audience with less competition. Many years ago, it was easy for brands to target keywords with just two or three words – for instance, “best holiday deals” – but this is no longer possible for most new and emerging brands.

Instead of pinging servers with shorter keywords and phrases, many have had to utilize a combination of phrases to reach people. Most long-tail keywords consist of five or more words designed to fetch a particular type of information or product. Sticking to our previous example, a long-tail variation would be “best holiday deals on running shoes 2022”.

How Long-tail Keywords Work

Prominent – or “head” – keywords reach a very large segment of relevant search engine users with a simple or short query. Long-tail keywords instead drill down, targeting very specific audiences within that demographic to make a greater impression. For instance, a head keyword may generate millions of search per month, while a related long-tail keyword may only generate a few thousand searches.

Despite the massive drop-off in volume, the relative lack of competition when compared to most contested keywords means you are more likely to rank prominently and generate traffic. For most brands, generating 50 clicks per month via a long-tail keyword is better than generating 0 clicks per month through a head keyword that they target.

Benefits of Long-tail Keywords

As already mentioned, long-tail keywords are easier to rank for in search, but what other benefits do they provide?

For starters, pinging servers with highly-specific content means targeting niche SERPs to be visible. Long-tail keywords can help you reach people looking for a specific product, service or piece of information.

Additionally, long-tail keywords provide an exponentially greater number of options to target. With more words and phrases that can be combined, there are more opportunities to reach individuals in little-sought-after search markets. Even though each niche has fewer searchers, the cumulative impact on your traffic can be immense.

Ultimately, long-tail keywords are a cornerstone of search engine optimization for newer and smaller brands. Being able to get more creative, rank more prominently in select results and ensure your content reaches relevant audiences all make the use of this SEO dynamic worthwhile.

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