April 8, 2011 – New Features Update

1 comment, 08/04/2011, by , in News

Deleting URLs: We added a feature to automatically schedule all URLs for deletion when you decide to delete them.  This way, you do not have to login in 24 hours to remove your links manually.  Now, after your URLs ping, you can click on delete and they will be scheduled for automatic removal from your account.

URLs that are scheduled for deletion are marked as red and if you decide to ‘undelete’ any of them, you can select the URL(s) in question and click on the green check box to make them live again.

Pause / Unpause All Pages:  If you want to pause or unpause pinging of ALL your URLs in your account then this feature is for you (found on bottom left of your account)

CSV Bulk Upload: We added a TITLES builder that tries to build your titles for you from your URLs saving you the time of having to do them manually.  This will only work if your URLs are correctly formatted of course.  When you upload your CSV file, you will now be prompted to review or make changes before adding the data into your account.

One comment

  1. jason
    April 9th, 2011 14:11

    i have to assume this won’t be read or even go through.
    I was recommended to your site by a friend as a way to utilize RSS for blogs.
    i got to your site and am all done. There is no description of what your service even IS. i’m hoping you haven’t gone out of business, but there is no way to contact you and none of the links on the bottom of the page work so i assumed you had stopped working on the site.

    couple hints.
    before asking people to sign up for your service. why not educate them as to what they are paying for.
    for a “reply” form… did you want my email??? you said “mail”.. so i put in a mailing address?
    i wish you the best of luck, but hope you put on a sales hat very soon for the benefit of your business.


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