New feature: URL Settings

6 comments, 05/04/2011, by , in News


Pingler LogoWe introduce a new feature URL Settings.   You can now sort your URLs by Title, Date, Number of Pings and a lot more criteria…  You can set the default order setting and the default sorting.   We have also added a new setting – Default Limit, where you can set how many URLs should be visible in your account.

These features are all found in your account: Manage Account -> Account Settings.

We also introduced a URL checking procedure to ensure that all URLs in our system are live and valid: Check my URLs are valid when added.  By default it is enabled and all URLs you input into your account will be checked.  Some customers reported issued with using forwarded URLs, we advise that you use the target URL rather than the forwarding URL.

More updates and features on the way…


  1. April 5th, 2011 20:28

    very wonderfull blog.


  2. April 6th, 2011 13:27

    Wow, what a cool feature! I love Pingler.


  3. April 7th, 2011 16:26

    Thanks Pingler for always added more features


  4. April 7th, 2011 16:40

    this new feature is quite interesting. 🙂


  5. hulu selangor..KERUINGku VOICE
    April 12th, 2011 11:17



  6. April 19th, 2011 23:22

    Thank you for the excellent service. At our site we due our popularity to your sincere efforts


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