Where Are Many E-Commerce Websites Failing in Mobile?

E-commerce MobileThe world of e-commerce is without a doubt the future of what we know as commerce, and with good reason. In just a couple of clicks, money can change hands and orders can be fulfilled from anywhere in the world. As the flow of goods and services in our modern economy continues to become more efficient, more and more people seek to cash in on this development. The future of e-commerce, however, is mobile, and that has yet to be fully realized. With around one-third of all internet traffic now flowing through mobile devices, it comes as a shock that many e-commerce websites have not yet embraced this unflinching trend. What are some of the most common failures of these sites to accommodate mobile users? In the following article, we’ll outline them so that you can avoid or rectify these problems.

No Responsive and Dynamic Web Designs

There are three different types of mobile web designs that can be utilized to convert your traditional layout into one that is friendly for both mobile devices and mobile search. Responsive web design and dynamic web design templates are the most common, and can be used to either display your website uniformly on each browser, or automatically adjust the site’s dynamics based on the device in question. In many cases, e-commerce websites fall short with mobile users when they only have a desktop version. It can be quite difficult for users to click on tiny links, read product descriptions and purchase items when the sites are not optimized for mobile traffic. If you are pinging for SEO, then you must also consider the effects that this will have on your mobile search engine rankings, which are often different than search engine rankings on desktop devices.

Lack of Communication/Interactive Features

A mobile device is essentially a computer in the palm of your hand, so it makes sense that the same features on a traditional website should be available to mobile users. One of the most commonly forgotten elements is a way for users to seamlessly contact customer service. Smart mobile design will include a phone number and a big button that users can click to be connected with a live representative. This can help customers get additional information about products they wish to purchase and will help increase sales. If they have to browse around – jumping from page to page in search of a phone number or contact form – then your sales will reflect that.

Consistent, Optimized Email Campaigns

Did you know that the majority of Americans now check their email from their smartphones more so than from desktop devices? This means that you can reach tons of customers via mobile devices simply by sending out emails on a regular basis. There are many mailing services that will ensure your campaigns are optimized for any and all devices, but some brands have not pursued the act of acquiring mailing lists and instead have been focused on pinging for SEO. There are many different types of mailing campaigns you can consider when appealing to a mobile audience, but it is important to have a game plan that revolves around regular distribution and distribution that is done so on the schedules of when your customers are most likely to check their devices (mornings).

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