Recommendations for Boosting Your Amazon Product Campaigns

The digital marketplace landscape has changed substantially since the early days of the internet. While many once-popular platforms (like eBay and Craigslist) still exist, businesses and individuals alike have moved toward bigger, more encompassing alternatives. Without a doubt, Amazon is now the single-biggest online retailer for major companies and small-scale brands alike.

Whether your products are proprietary or manufactured by others, boosting the visibility of your products on Amazon requires dedicated campaigns. Many brands are finding that a combination of organic optimizations and paid advertising is ideal for reaching an optimal number of shoppers.

To help you out, we’ll review some recommendations that can boost your Amazon product campaigns in terms of visibility and sales.

Embrace All Forms of Amazon Advertising

To fully take advantage of promoting your Amazon products via campaigns, you must embrace the full extent of advertising options available. Amazon offers three unique forms of advertising for existing sellers on the marketplace: Sponsored Brand Ads, Sponsored Product Ads and Amazon Stores.

Sponsored Brand Ads help highlight all of your products by linking customers to a page of your choosing. Sponsored Product Ads ensure that customers are shown links to specific products. Amazon Stores are available for free and help brands with a variety of products display everything in one location.

Utilize Automatic Targeting

Some major corporations may have millions of dollars in marketing research to guide their decisions, but most sellers on Amazon do not. In order to ensure you’re pinging links to products in as many optimized search results as possible, the Automatic Targeting feature is highly recommended.

By using this feature, Amazon will select various keywords and product associations for your product(s) and display your ads in these results.

Understand the Bidding Process

Before you can boost your Amazon product campaigns, you must have an innate understanding of the bidding process. After all and with a fixed budget, the more efficient you can design your campaign’s bidding, the more people you can reach with said amount of money.

Amazon offers two main types of bidding options: dynamic bids and fixed bids. Fixed bids ensure that the amount you’ve bid is what you spend, and your bids will not change in real time during the campaign. Dynamic bids come in two forms: up and down dynamic bidding and down-only dynamic bidding. The former increases or decreases bidding based on the performance of your campaign, while the latter only lowers your bid if the campaign is not performing well.

Cultivate a Consistent Monthly Budget

Last but not least, you want to be sure that you can effectively measure campaign performance over long periods of time. There are many ways in which to do this, but all too often, brands treat their ad budgets as less than important concepts.

It is recommended that you set a specific and consistent monthly budget, whether that budget be absolutely fixed or adjustable based on the number of sales you made in the previous month. By adapting to such a strategy, you won’t be tempted to throw extra resources at a campaign impulsively, and you will also help ensure that your ad budget grows proportionally alongside your sales.

Now more than ever, marketing on Amazon is absolutely necessary. If you’re pinging links to products on the marketplace, then utilizing these important tips in pursuit of more efficient product campaigns is absolutely essential.

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