Tips for Finding the Perfect Affiliates for Your Niche Blog or Website

0 comments, 23/06/2013, by , in Marketing

Finding AffiliatesWhether you have established a budding blog or a website designed to cover a specific topic, one of the first goals usually is, “how do I monetize it?”. Finding the perfect affiliate program for your blog or website can be frustrating, especially if your project is deep within a particular niche. Most successful bloggers will tell you that it is essential to have at least a handful of affiliate partners in order to make serious cash, but you will also need quality content to accentuate these efforts. For those seeking to find the best affiliates for their brands, we have put together a few simple tips to guide you through the process.

Scout Out the Offers

One of the quickest ways to get an idea of the available affiliate programs for your niche is to do a quick search via Google or other search engine. If your site is about athletic equipment, for example, then a search for “baseball equipment affiliates” may be the best initial search query to try. Once you have found a variety of affiliate programs that directly or broadly cover your niche, you can then begin to narrow down the prospective affiliates based on their offerings and requirements. You want to have affiliates that are pinging services and valid content to your blog once done with your search and evaluation, so feel free to be picky.

Dealing with Unfamiliar Items

There is a big tendency in affiliate niche marketing to review and advertise products and services that have not been evaluated by the blogger or web-master. In this case, having the maximum amount of information available for the product is key. Those who have actually handled the product or had experience with a particular service can create content that accentuates any affiliate marketing effort, but otherwise, you will need ample documentation and research to achieve this goal. If you are in the business of niche marketing, we highly recommend sticking to products and services with which you have had experience.

Tangible Versus Intangible

Depending upon your niche, you may be attempting to sell products and services that are intangible rather than tangible (e-books are a great example of an intangible product). While affiliate payouts are usually much greater for intangible items, the allure of a physical product can never be replaced. Many people in affiliate marketing report that they generate far more from tangible products and services than from intangible ones – but this does not mean that avoiding intangible affiliate marketing is a good idea. Having a balance of both when possible will help shore-up your bottom line and allow for future expansion into other niches.


Finding the perfect affiliates for your niche blog or website requires just a few simple steps. By knowing what your niche will consist of, doing quick searches to narrow down the competition and pinging services and products relevant to those niche interests, you will have accomplished the vast majority of the task. With this completed, all that remains is the work of creating consistently valuable content that will attract those readers and buyers.

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