How to Use Facebook to Market Your B2B Company

0 comments, 29/12/2016, by , in Marketing, Social Media

Facebook is known as a social media platform for personal users, but there are specific features designed to cater to the needs of businesses, too. A Facebook Page and its comprehensive tools are among the best to use if you’re trying to reach a wide range of audience. The same platform can also be used to market to business customers.

B2B marketing on Facebook may not be as straightforward as B2C marketing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use the same tools and target the right audience. These next several ideas will help you get started with using Facebook to market your B2B company.

Brand and Reputation Management

Businesses need to be on Facebook, even when they are not targeting retail customers. As one of the largest social networks today – if not THE largest one available – Facebook is a great place to develop and maintain good brand reputation. Not being on Facebook means missing out on a lot of advantages the platform brings.

For starters, having an official Facebook page means your brand can appear in conversations. This will definitely increase the reach of the brand itself. You may even connect with key figures in other businesses, which means your brand value and reputation will increase along the way.

Facebook is also filled with other businesses’ pages and you can engage them in many ways. Congratulating potential B2B customers on their anniversary or sending personalised messages are among the simplest ways to connect with them.

Show Off Your Corporate Culture

Individual users may not be your business’s direct target customer, but that doesn’t mean they are not interested in getting to know you better. In fact, a lot of larger corporations such as Shell and BP are actively producing content that really shows off their corporate culture, even when the departments included in the contents are mainly targeting business consumers.

You can give potential customers an inside look at how your company operates. Show the work environment and how employees are interacting with each other. Pick a story to tell and show the people behind every successful project you have had. The more personal your content is, the more you can connect with both B2B customers and individual Facebook users.

It Is Not Always About Selling

One last thing to keep in mind when developing a strong presence of Facebook as a B2B company is to avoid falling into the trap of hard-selling. It is not always about selling. In fact, most of the time, it isn’t about promoting your products and services at all.

You can do so much more on the platform. Create a short video on your latest CSR campaign and get other people involved in the activities. Start a series of videos about interesting things that happen behind the scene. Explore more ideas and produce original content that will keep viewers engaged. These seemingly simple tactics – combined with the previous ideas we talked about – will help you grow your Facebook followers and expand your reach to more B2B customers indirectly.

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