The Tricks of the Trade – Ways to Produce Better Link Building Strategies

0 comments, 08/10/2013, by , in SEO

Better LinksOne of the cornerstones of search engine optimization is link building – without this practice, virtually every website would not be discoverable. The broader element of link building is present in all aspects of website maintenance and promotion, from various backlinks earned via social signals to direct links earned on other webmasters’ websites. In the past, building links was very simple and a great way to become recognized by search engines quickly. These days, however, it is more difficult to gain that recognition through these simple strategies. Still, link building can be highly effective when done properly and when in the know on how to achieve the best results. Below, we will discuss some strategies that will allow any budding web master to build better links.

The Element of Honesty

Most webmasters who have high PageRank and other forms of search engine authority have worked hard to achieve it. This not only means that they are wary of offering links to any random person who asks, but it also means that they understand what it takes to build links and ascend the pages in search results. Whether you are pinging your blog to search engines for the first time or have been doing so for a while, you need to be honest with each prospective partner. Do not flatter them with falsehoods, as it will only paint your appeal in a negative light. Most understand the potential benefit that link building strategies and exchanges can provide: the real question will be whether or not your website offers those benefits.

The Element of Empathy

Most high-profile websites usually receive several – if not dozens – of requests each day for links to be placed on their websites in exchange for one thing or another. From the perspective of the webmaster handling these requests, it can be a pain to decide which offers are legitimate and valid, and which ones are not worth their time. When you contact a webmaster about link building offers, be sure to express an element of empathy that acknowledges this fact. It is also important to remember that you may need to contact the webmaster more than once to demonstrate that you are genuinely interested. With so many mass requests sent by chronic link builders that aim for quantity over quality, it is virtually guaranteed that your first email may be missed.

The Element of Aesthetics

Nobody is going to want to build links with you if your site looks like an ad factory exploded. This applies to toolbars, an excess number of banners and pop-ups that render the site useless for many. These techniques will speak volumes about the true quality of your website and will make webmasters worry about whether pinging your blog will have negative SEO consequences for them. Sometimes, we have to sacrifice ad revenue for aesthetics. It is not to say that no ads can be on your pages, but a small, tasteful number of advertisements will not predetermine your fate like many large, arrogant and gaudy banners and toolbars will.

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