Posts tagged with Hashtags

Comments Off on The Ways You Can Use Hashtags, 25/08/2017, by in Marketing, Social Media

On most social media networks, there are rules of etiquette and methods for reaching people that are considered pretty standard. One of the more popular ways of reaching out to larger audiences is the hashtag. Simply put, hashtags are used to convey ideas, topics or thoughts by linking them to speci... Read more...

Comments Off on Hashtags: Are You Using Them Correctly?, 05/03/2017, by in Marketing, Social Media

Hashtags are all the rage nowadays, and if you aren’t using them it seems you are the minority. From your own personal photos to businesses using hashtags, everyone is embracing the trend and taking advantage of it. But here’s the thing, did you know there is a science to using the hashtags corr... Read more...

Comments Off on Get the Most Out of Hashtags With These Three Tools, 21/04/2015, by in Plugins and Tools, Social Media

Over the past several years, we have seen a new phenomenon take centre-stage on social media: the use of the hashtag. While it was once confined solely to Twitter as a way to organize its network based on categories, it has since become an incredibly powerful and symbolic tool that individuals and b... Read more...

Comments Off on Use Twitter Hashtags to Get More Attention, 13/03/2015, by in Marketing, Social Media

Twitter gave birth to the hashtag as we know it today, but it can still be an under – or overused tool in the Twitter handbook. It’s an important tool and when used properly, can really help to shape tweets, and more importantly to gain more attention when you are tweeting, These are just a few ... Read more...

Comments Off on Take Advantage of Hashtags to Improve Your Marketing Today, 24/02/2014, by in Marketing

Once used solely on Twitter as a way to convey a meaning, topic or sentiment, the use of the hashtag in social media and marketing has exploded in recent years. With social networks such as Facebook attempting to incorporate their usage into the broader platform of networking, more and more brands h... Read more...

Comments Off on Facebook Hashtags Have Marketing Potential, 24/07/2013, by in Marketing, Social Media

The moment Facebook appeared to jump on the hashtag bandwagon, people in the industry immediately started to wonder what the potential might be for marketing. Facebook kept their cards remarkably close to their chest initially, with the official line being that there would be no hashtag related adve... Read more...

Comments Off on Three Reasons You Should Start Using Hashtags on Facebook, 30/06/2013, by in Social Media

Over the past few years, the notion of the hashtag has become very common and well-understood. It first began with Twitter, which adopted the technology as a way to track trending subjects throughout its network. Soon after, platforms such as Pinterest jumped on the bandwagon. It seemed for a while ... Read more...

Comments Off on Hashtags Are Coming to Facebook – What to Expect, 18/06/2013, by in General, Marketing

Originating on Twitter as a common way to sort through tweets and their content, the use of hashtags in social media has exponentially increased in recent years. Facebook recently announced that hashtag functionality will begin this week, with some users seeing integrated hashtag options immediately... Read more...