Small-Scale SEO Strategies That Work Today

0 comments, 04/07/2018, by , in SEO

When most people think of SEO, they consider the plethora of different tactics and methods used to improve performance. There’s certainly no one tactic that can deliver quick and easy results; rather, it takes a combination of different efforts to produce a long-term effect that improves search engine visibility.

While there are bigger tasks that every blogger, brand and business should be focused on when improving SEO outcomes, a variety of small-scale SEO tactics can also be helpful in improving results. Below, we’ll look at a few small-scale SEO tactics that work in the here and now, and that can provide additional benefit to your existing efforts.

Dominate SERPs with Your Videos

Search engines are increasingly serving up multimedia in lieu of traditional pages and posts, and it’s no surprise. With more mobile users than ever, people want quick and easy answers. What they don’t want is to spend tons of time reading.

YouTube videos are a dominant presence in most search results these days. Thankfully, it can be very easy to get ranked at the top of relevant results – if you simply add some descriptions. For every video you upload, add a couple of hundred words to the description. This will ensure that you’re pinging links to Google with ample keywords and descriptions (which the search engine appreciates).

Use Social Sites to Find New Keywords

You might not know it, but social sites such as Reddit can be veritable gold-mines for new and emerging long-tail keywords.

Simply find one or more subreddits or discussion areas that align with your target audience’s interests, and begin scouring the latest posts. Likewise, you can search with the broader keywords that you do know to uncover which areas are best for investigation.

You can then data-mine these threads to discover recurring patterns that show you which keywords and phrases are most popular among the right audiences.

Write Bigger Rather Than More Often

It is well-known that longer forms of content tend to beat their shorter peers in most SERPs. Brands that take time to elaborate and provide detailed descriptions in their content actually perform better than those who publish constantly but are serving up thin content.

There is a clear correlation between rankings and word count. While this doesn’t mean that you can just throw together anything long and succeed, well-written content that exceeds 1500 words is a better choice than publishing a comparable amount of wordage more often across multiple posts.

Revamp Your Old Content

Driving traffic to your website is the number one goal of SEO, so why wouldn’t you want to increase the number of people seeing your content?

Every old blog post can be repurposed to provide new life to both the content and your website. By pinging links to old content via social media, you can drive additional traffic. However, you can also recycle content into completely new blog posts, allowing you to target various SERPs with more offerings.

Each of these changes in strategy are small in scope and easy to implement, but can deliver meaningful benefit for your broader SEO efforts. Whether it’s revamping old content, finding new keyword opportunities, extending your post length or improving video descriptions, you can easily adopt these strategies and reap the rewards from using them.

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