Here’s How to Improve Sales by Boosting Product Description Quality

The art of persuasion is incredibly important in the world of sales. How a particular product or service is described can have a huge impact on whether audiences and markets decide to purchase from you or from another vendor. Knowing the subtle differences in phrasing can make the difference between being in the red versus being in the black.

Online, this broader concept is even more important. With e-commerce platforms, any given shopper can easily find alternatives with just a couple of clicks: without a sound, planned strategy, shoppers will ultimately find other brands who make a better case.

Product descriptions have a profound impact on conversions and sales. To maximize the effect of each product description, keep reading to learn what must be done.

Learn More About Your Target Audience

One of the biggest failures of online retailers in the world of marketing is to improperly or inadequately understand their target audiences. While it can be easy to determine the broader outline of who may purchase your product(s), there is far more depth to these target audiences that must be understood.

By pinging users in your target audience with more refined and specific copy, you can naturally boost sales. However, this can only be done if you have a detailed dossier on the target audience(s) in question. Investing in a bit of professional market research (or even just utilizing analytics to extract more information from user behavior on-site) can go a long way in bolstering product description quality.

Avoid Filler Statements

Brands are so convinced that product descriptions are automatically valuable elements in and of themselves that they will inject them onto pages without careful consideration. This leads to a lot of filler commentary relating to a product’s quality or popularity.

Filler words and statements should be avoided: instead, be specific about the product itself and incorporate the product’s attributes into a worthwhile, informative description.

Embrace A/B Testing

Even the best product descriptions may not be immediately obvious to brands, and even technically brilliant product descriptions may not resonate as well with audiences as other variations. For this reason, pinging users with a variety of different options is the best initial strategy in finding which attributes and descriptions your audience values most.

In order to do this, embracing the use of A/B testing is essential. Via A/B testing, retailers can employ a variety of different product descriptions, serving up a random example to each customer and visitor. Conversion rates and sales can then be compared across descriptions, helping you uncover what works best for each product.

Outline the Customer Experience

Product descriptions often focus on features or benefits, but there is more to consider in the broader description of each product. Ultimately, customers want to know what to expect from the product: how it can be used, what amenities it can bring to daily life and how that experience betters them.

While avoiding filler statements is still crucial, painting a picture of the customer experience in product descriptions can help improve conversion rates and generate more sales.

Now more than ever, outperforming competitors is crucial to long-term e-commerce success. One of the most fundamental methods for ensuring such is to create stellar product descriptions that address target audience expectations. Give them an experience, try various alternatives, avoid filler commentary and define your target audience in order to reap the benefits!

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