Money-making Improvements That SEO Audits Can Uncover

0 comments, 05/07/2017, by , in SEO, Web Design

With websites being the primary method of income for web-based brands, it is important that they function at peak efficiency. From aesthetic concerns to technical points, there is a lot to consider when building, maintaining or improving any website. One of the most common strategies for improving a website’s performance comes in the form of a SEO audit, which can find problem areas and uncover new opportunities. Whether you’ve been putting off the audit or haven’t heard of it before, we’ll give you a few examples of what a SEO audit can uncover – and how it can improve your bottom line.

Improvements in UE

User experience arguably matters more than any other component on your website. If you can easily facilitate users’ requests and actions, then you stand a better chance at increasing conversions and other metrics measuring success. Elements such as interactive and intuitive menus, social media integration and mobile responsive design all help improve user experience and can generate more profit for your online brand. When pinging servers for more information and analysis during a SEO audit, these potential problem areas will come to light. You’ll be presented with a list of potential issues – and solutions – that can be addressed to better facilitate a quality user experience for guests.

Page Loading Times

The speed at which your pages load matter in multiple ways. First of all, visitors – particularly those on mobile devices – are not going to wait around forever on your pages to fully load. The frustration experienced by visitors from slow loading pages leads to increased bounce rates. This ties in with how search engines view the website; the slower the page and/or the higher the number of people “bouncing”, the less relevant or useful the search engine will believe your site to be. A SEO audit will uncover exactly how fast your pages are loading and whether the speed can be improved in meaningful ways. This will ensure that you are not falling behind in rankings and are earning more clicks via SEO.

Missed Content Opportunities

Creating quality content is a necessary prerequisite for success. In the eyes of readers, the quality of your content will determine how likely they are to read, share or otherwise engage with it. What may be missing on some of your pages are a variety of opportunities to increase conversions, sales and other desired actions. For instance, calls to action are commonly-placed in content to ensure more people are reminded more often about special offers, deals and other things available to them via the brand. Any standard SEO audit will assess your content for missed opportunities in this area and many more, giving you a second chance to boost your website’s money-making potential.

There are dozens of benefits that a SEO audit can provide your brand. Some relate to technical SEO changes, while others can provide more user-based benefits. For those seeking to make their websites more profitable, an audit can also find potential areas where changes can be made to ensure just that. Whether it is in your content, page loading times or user experience improvements, an audit is worth the time and effort.

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