Increase Your CTRs With These Simple Modifications

Comments Off on Increase Your CTRs With These Simple Modifications, 25/07/2015, by , in Marketing

CTR Airport BoardEmail marketing remains one of the most powerful marketing tools for brands, in large part because of email’s near-universal acceptance as a communication tool and the fact that email is a free way in which to communicate. Years upon years of emails filling up inboxes and increasing in frequency, however, has led to a world in which it is much harder to draw attention to your individual email. After all of the work done to increase attention via subject lines, the last thing you want to happen is for someone not to click through to the content in question once opening it. Below, we’ll discuss how you can easily increase your CTRs beginning today with some simple modifications to your pitch.

Adopt the Button

Many email marketers want to balance email friendliness with effectiveness, meaning that they may opt for more traditional (read: text-based) email campaigns. Older phones and devices without rich media capabilities do exist, but they are now few and far between. People tend to gravitate toward buttons – whether it be on the web or in their inbox – and so it is highly recommended that you start pinging users in emails with buttons that serve as calls to action in place of traditional links. By offering text-only emails alongside the traditional emails (tip: include a link to it at the very beginning of the email), you can be sure that everyone has a functional copy of your email – and that your CTR is higher at the same time.

Create Suspense

Most email marketers have learned to adopt tactics that create suspense with subject lines, but many still neglect this concept when transitioning from the email to the landing page. A sense of the unknown with the right amount of tantalizing language can make all the difference in the world for click through rates, transforming a seemingly generic and divulging email into one that practically requires readers to click on it. By not giving away all of your secrets at the onset, you can create suspense in readers to learn more about a particular subject, tactic, event or cause on your website or blog.

Bring in the Multimedia

While not wanting to provide too much insight so as to maintain the ability to create suspense mentioned above, several well-placed videos or photos can go a long way toward boosting CTRs. Multimedia in this purpose can serve as a form of validation – readers value multimedia content more so than they do simple text. By showing them valuable elements that are entertaining, persuading or relevant to their interests, you make it much easier to combine a great call to action line with it and achieve success. Pinging users merely with well thought-out text might generate some clicks, but taking it a step above and beyond this can dramatically boost what people think each time they open your emails.


Replacing standard links with buttons, generating suspense via content and incorporating multimedia into each email will inevitably improve readers’ impressions of your content and will measurably improve their motivation to follow through with your calls to action.
