How to Juggle Managing Multiple Sites

Comments Off on How to Juggle Managing Multiple Sites, 04/05/2012, by , in General, Plugins and Tools

Juggle SitesIf you are an entrepreneur that suddenly has found his or herself having to take care of dozens of niche sites, it can be overwhelming at times to keep all of them optimized and full of up-to-date content. While each site’s needs are not particularly time consuming individually, the cumulative effort needed to keep large numbers of sites running can be more than a full time job, especially if you are creating all of the content. In order to be successful at managing an array of websites, you must have a game plan for dealing with each specific niche. All of the ideas presented here today will help you begin sorting through your situation and help you get your website management ordeal under control.

Consolidate Hosting, Use Website-Friendly Providers

One of the easiest ways to reduce the amount of time you will spend maintaining each site is to consolidate all of your sites onto one server or hosting plan. While many people may already do this, there are tons of webmasters out there that have acquired sites over time and have left them on various servers. Some people argue that having sites spread out prevents the likelihood of all of your sites being down at once, but you can also easily determine whether there is a server issue or a website issue based on whether one or all sites are affected by any given issue. There are also great hosts out there that provide an array of benefits; some plans offers automatic upgrades to all WordPress sites, which is one less thing to have to do.

Hire Third Parties

While some sites are not profitable enough to place in the hands of another person, you may be able to limit some of the work you have to do if you have some profitable sites in your portfolio. For example, a blog that requires an update once per week could have its content written by a firm for as less as $20 per month; if you are generating $50 or more per month from the blog in question, it may make sense to outsource the content or entire management to another individual or company. Content is by far the main time consumer of maintaining multiple websites, so it makes sense to trade off some of the profit in exchange for less money with less work.

Use Multiple Site Tools

For sites running on the same platform, you can push updates and changes to them all at once by using any number of tools available for things such as site updates, content publishing and link updates. Any information or content that is the same for multiple sites is a great candidate for tools such as these. There are also tools that can fetch information for you about multiple sites, with Pingler’s Multi-Rank Checker Tool being one of them. With this, you can input the URLs of up to ten websites at once and fetch both the Google PageRank and Alexa ratings for each URL. This helps save you time and lets you check on many websites at once instead of checking each URL individually.