How to Improve the Overall Customer Service Process via Mobile

0 comments, 15/10/2015, by , in Making Money, Web Design

Mobile SchemeIt comes as no surprise to most these days that an increasing number of individuals are accessing the internet through mobile devices. In fact, it was recently announced that a majority of Google’s traffic now comes through mobile devices. Because of this, many were not surprised to see Google unveil its Mobilegeddon update, which essentially requires websites to be more mobile-friendly. In the age of mobile, more websites will have to focus on how to improve other, more nuanced aspects of user experience in order to please the readers, customers and viewers who arrive there. Below, we’ll talk about how you can improve overall customer service experiences for those accessing your site and offerings via mobile.

Clearly Enable Service Options

It would seem like a no-brainer, but there are still websites in existence that do not provide customers with the ability to access customer service features through the mobile versions of their websites. This frustration for customers results in more time wasted, and can create more negative outcomes for brands. Self service tools and customer service features should be pinging URLs in your mobile navigation, which is practically required for proper customer service experiences today. A perfect example of brands that do this right are cell phone and telecommunications companies, who largely make it possible to initiate, inquire and resolve every aspect of the customer service process through a mobile device. Furthermore, the addition of a static service button as part of a mobile hover menu is a great idea.

Compensate for Mobile Size

When optimizing your website for mobile audiences (as a general rule, not just for customer service), it is a good idea to consider the size of mobile devices and the size of human fingers. In short, smashing too many of your features, links, options or buttons too closely together can make it very difficult for customers to quickly check order status, file for a return or inquire in another capacity. Without enough space between each link, form or field, your customers will quickly become frustrated with the overall layout of the mobile site. By leaving at least a few pixels between each hit target, you’ll make sure that people do not accidentally click the wrong button and lose all of their previously-typed information.

Prominently Display Contact Information

Some users will inevitably refuse to use the more sophisticated online customer service systems – they’ll insist on calling or emailing you. Anyone who has experience with multi-platform customer services understands this, which is why it is always a good idea to also feature basic contact information prominently on the site. Whether it be a phone number, email address or both, this information should be linked (click to email/call) and featured at the top and bottom of each mobile responsive page. While pinging URLs to your customer service options is needed, so is the need to provide basic contact information for those who are more basic with technology. By providing both, you’ll ensure that all of your mobile customer service bases are covered.

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