Five Great Alternatives to Google Adsense

2 comments, 14/04/2013, by , in Google, Making Money

Five AlternativesGoogle Adsense is the preeminent source for earning online revenue through the use of embedded ads in your web pages, multimedia and mobile apps. Millions of people already use Adsense and many have made fortunes by having a targeted advertising campaign coupled with successful web ventures. Unfortunately, Google Adsense is very picky about who it allows to join and as such, there has been a recent upwelling of desire for alternatives to the monster-sized conglomerate. In this article, we will detail five of the best alternatives to Google Adsense so you can quickly begin earning revenue off of your online content.


For pinging services to your readers that are relevant to their interests, Infolinks offers a great solution. Being a text based network like Google Adsense, you can easily embed the codes into any part of your website and be up and running within minutes. The minimum payout on Infolinks is $50, with easy payment options like PayPal available. There are even options that allow you to customize the embedded ads to go with your site’s colour scheme.


This is a well-known alternative to Google Adsense and its ads can be often seen on mobile devices – although their platform is not limited to just that. You are paid based on clicks rather than impressions, and the minimum pay out is substantially lower ($10). With very well tuned algorithms and an easy sign-up process, Chitika is an appealing contender for those who have been turned away by Google Adsense.


Another great solution for online advertisement revenue is TribalFUSION, which allows you to be pinging services and products to your readers while earning revenues based on CPM. This option is better for more established websites, as the minimum pay out is $100. Also, TribalFUSION is a bit pickier than the rest on this list: they only accept websites that have a proven track record and have high amounts of traffic. If for whatever reason you were rejected by Google Adsense but have a solid web presence, then you should definitely give this platform some consideration.


Open to all websites and developers, Qadabra is a self-serve advertising platform that offers flexibility and low minimum pay outs ($20). You can receive your funds via PayPal, wire transfer or other options such as Payoneer, making it a viable option for those bloggers who could use the spare cash while earning revenue on a newly-developed blog. In a previous life, Qadabra was known as AdsGadget, so don’t let the name fool you: they’ve been around for a while and are still delivering great affiliate advertising services to publishers and advertisers alike.

The partnership between Yahoo and Bing for advertising revenue delivery is known as, and is perhaps the best alternative to Google Adsense. Sites are easily approved, unlike with Google, and they also offer comprehensive support in addition. While the minimum pay out is higher, at $100, you will appreciate the perks of being with an established giant and will enjoy the rapid disbursement of funds once the threshold is reached.


  1. April 14th, 2013 11:46

    Great article thanks a lot. I was denied by google for reasons unknown to me so this list is extremely helpful.


  2. April 16th, 2013 20:45

    Great post! I wanted to let you know about my company, ContentGain that’s a great alternative or complement to AdSense. You can enhance your site with great content while earning revenue. We’re seeing average CPMs of over $2 for most of our publishers! It’s an easy quick sign-up process. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


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