Here’s Why HTTPS Is a Must in 2020

Over the past decade, internet security has become an increasingly important component for brands and users alike. There are many forces at work online that seek to compromise user security, website security and even intercept data transmitted between users and websites. As such, many brands have embraced tighter security measures – even if they may not immediately seem like targets for would-be criminals.

For ages, the use of HTTP protocols was common – to this day, almost half of all websites continue to use HTTP protocols. However, websites that want to maximize security, trust and visibility are adopting HTTPs protocols instead. This ensures an added layer of security for those who visit.

Why exactly is HTTPS a must in 2020? Let’s look at a few reasons why this simple security feature should be adopted by all websites immediately.

Search Engines Love HTTPS

Unless you are bankrolling a digital marketing effort and do not have to worry about organic traffic, search engines are probably a huge component of your traffic. While HTTPS was once a niche element that most did not possess, search engines have pivoted in recent years toward preferring HTTPS when determining search rankings.

If you’re pinging links to Google or Bing with a standard HTTP certificate, there’s a very strong chance that one or more of your competitors who is doing the same will outrank you just from having HTTPS. While technically not a ranking factor in Google’s search engine results pages, algorithms do in fact prefer HTTPS: sites that have made the switch have seen notable improvements in their search visibility.

As such, it’s simply good strategy to obtain HTTPS for the purposes of having maximum visibility in search engine results.

Browsers Are Cracking Down on HTTP

It may not be something you often consider, but how a browser displays a website can have a huge impact on user experience and reception. It should not be surprising then that a browser throwing up huge red flags for – or even outright blocking – certain websites can have a meaningful impact on traffic, purchases and more.

Ultimately, browsers like Chrome have begun notifying their users whenever a website’s connection is not secure. In some cases, browsers may show a minor notification. In others, these browsers actually try to restrict users from visiting the site entirely. Not only can this have a huge impact on your bounce rate (which affects search engine performance), but it ruins the chance of any positive first impression with a visitor.

HTTPS Reassures Your Visitors

Especially if you are selling products or services, HTTPS can be a reassuring concept. Besides earning that little green lock in the browser, HTTPS also ensures that user information is secure when transmitted. Given that many are hesitant to share sensitive information across insecure channels, being able to reassure your visitors that their connections are secure is another big selling point – both for them and you.

Ultimately, there are numerous reasons to upgrade to HTTPS. Whether it’s because you’re pinging links to search engines or selling products to a particular audience, this one easy change (that can be done for free in many cases) can have a meaningful impact on your website’s security and performance.


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