How to Get the Most Mileage Out of Your Facebook Business Page

0 comments, 05/11/2018, by , in Social Media

Social media has become a veritable gold mine for businesses and brands. With a simple message, some decent marketing and a bit of dedication, brands can quickly grow their presences and reach large numbers of people. While every brand’s approach on social media will ultimately need to be different, some elements are constants in any strategy.

Facebook in particular provides an easy way for brands to connect with audiences and share meaningful content with them. Whether you’re selling products, helping communities or sharing entertainment, ensuring your page is in optimal shape can dramatically improve performance. Today, let’s look at how you can get the most mileage out of any Facebook business page.


It wasn’t that long ago that Facebook pages were rather bland and restrictive. While you could customize your profile photo and cover image, everything else was setup in cookie-cutter format. Today, however, Facebook business pages allow much more customization – and you should take advantage of it.

While using colorful and professional images in your cover photos and images is a must, brand owners can also configure which segments of the page show (and in what order), fully integrate apps and modules into the interface and promote content for any number of occasions. Whether you’re selling a product, hosting a fundraiser or pinging links for an event, customization now allows owners to get the most out of their pages.

Maximize Contact Information

Facebook pages can be a great way for customers to get in touch with you – when used properly. Thankfully, pages today now allow owners to add all sorts of details that make it easy to field questions and attract people.

Not only do pages now allow for the inclusion of phone numbers, directions, hours and other vital details, but specific posts can be configured to allow users to easily message or contact you in real time. Additionally, the use of chat bots can be configured that will help automatically reply to queries that would otherwise take up lots of time in your day-to-day routine.

Utilize Ads

Organic reach via Facebook business pages has been scaled back in recent years; any given post will not reach the same number of people as it once would. This was done in part to encourage the use of paid advertising offered by the platform. While it may seem like a racket, affordable advertising via Facebook can dramatically boost your page’s visibility.

Whether you are wanting to reach the existing audience of followers or branch out into new territory, even small budgets can help generate thousands of meaningful impressions. By pinging links to your content and offerings via these campaigns, you can drive traffic to your website, increase page likes and so much more.

Facebook business pages are more flexible than ever, offering users unprecedented customization and reach. By utilizing paid ad campaigns, configuring elements to best suit your specific audience and making sure people can easily contact you whenever needed, your page will generate much more attention – and that is good for any brand!

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