How to Convert Millennials This Holiday Season

0 comments, 12/11/2016, by , in Making Money, Marketing

Santa Millennials Millennials, the youngest consumer category aged 18 to 45, now arguably make up the largest group of consumers on the planet, so it’s in your best interest to get well acquainted with this generation. While advertisers are working overtime to draw in the younger crowd, it’s important to note that there’s quite a bit of wiggle room when dealing with millennials. They’re just as likely to be young parents as they are likely to be preparing to enter college themselves. If you have a business that would like to attract paying customers from the millennial age group, here are a few of the most effective means of converting raw traffic.

Put it on Video

Your company doesn’t have to do away with text-based social media updates and advertisements altogether, but adding a substantial amount of video content will help you in converting more millennials. From short video messages to scripted, edited, professionally shot promotional ads, increasing the amount of video based content your business puts on the web will bring more millennials to your checkout page. The great thing about video content is that it can be repurposed and reposted across all of your web properties for maximum exposure. You can create compilation videos for use on your website, or even on video sharing websites, to spread your company’s vision to the millennial generation.

Make it Culturally Relevant

When you put out additional video and text based content that is targeted at millennials, it has to include a message that will personally resonate with them. Using pop culture in the form of memes, pop culture figures or slang can help to get millennials hooked and want to continue to listen and see what your company has on offer. Make sure that you hook in this demographic by making a relevant cultural connection within your advertisements to increase effectiveness. You probably won’t be able to connect with all millennials using a single advertisement, but you can use variations of the same theme in order to make your point known.

How to Connect with the Millennial Generation

To convert more millennials into paying customers this holiday season, your company has to show that it knows the needs, wants and desires of this generation. This means that your products and services really have to appeal to millennials in general. Introducing new products or services that are tailored toward millennials can also be a good marketing move to convert more sales around holiday time. Sending surveys and communicating with millennials on social media can be highly effective in making better connections.

Millennials will be buying gifts and items for themselves this holiday seasons, so from a business standpoint, you should be trying to engage with them as much as possible. Obtaining more business from the millennial generation is the main goal of businesses that know embracing all of their potential customer groups is vital for longevity. Expand your business by getting more millennials to patronise your business this holiday season.

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