The Most Important Web Actions to Prepare for the Holiday Season

0 comments, 12/10/2013, by , in Making Money

Online Christmas ShoppingThe holidays are just a couple of months away, but the planning and preparation that many online businesses put into the holiday season has already begun. Whether you are a small business or a large multinational retailer, the reality is that dominance of specific search engine results and markets begins long before the holiday season each year. Some companies earn as much as half of their annual revenues in the final quarter of the year – since that quarter has just begun, it is vital to have a solid game plan as to how you can cash in on this year’s holiday extravaganza. If your business has yet to jump on the holiday bandwagon but wishes to do so, then continue reading to find out about the basic strategies that go into any web-based holiday marketing campaign.

Reach Your Early Shoppers

While many people think of the stereotypical forgetful shopper who makes his or her purchases at the last minute, consumer studies show that nearly one in three holiday shoppers has already made their purchases before the end of October. This means that a vital chunk of holiday shopping is done before most retailers began pinging to Google specific campaigns to attract said audience. Depending on the market and type of product, there is probably already a sizeable demographic out there that is making holiday purchases as we speak. In order to take advantage of this, you should begin SERP targeting and content creation for this particular purpose as soon as possible.

Persuade Your Audience

The internet is best known as a source of competition and variety – how do you plan to attract holiday shoppers to your selections over the competition? The fact is that nearly half of all holiday shoppers report being loyal to particular brands when it comes to their purchases, so inward roads must be made over time and in bits and pieces. At the end of the day, however, a plurality of shoppers search for the best prices on select items. If you want to persuade your audience, then money does a great amount of talking. You will also want to have a wide selection of products available to cater to your audience, as this is the second most influential aspect in terms of where consumers choose to shop.

Expand Your Mobile Prowess

With nearly one-third of all internet traffic now flowing through mobile devices, the world of mobile has become a gold mine for those who know how to take advantage of it. From a business or e-commerce perspective, this means that you must have a website that is mobile-friendly (many content management systems now offer mobile versions of your site that can be generated on-demand). When users are pinging to Google their requests for various products, a mobile-friendly website will be more likely to be displayed on the first page of search results. If you want to be visible in select holiday SERPs, then you must utilize mobile to its fullest potential. This will ensure a boost in your holiday revenue by as much as thirty percent.

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