Get the Most Out of Your Writing With These Three Google Docs Apps

0 comments, 28/12/2014, by , in Google

Three TipsIn the world of content creation and marketing, time is everything. The amount of quality content that you can produce in a given day – again and again – will ultimately determine how many people you can reach and how many impressions you will make. As technology continues to become more advanced, it is fuelling an exponential trend of productivity that makes this process easier. Google Docs has been considered by many to be a productivity booster, and the creation of the app system to go along with it has boosted its potential even more. Today, we’ll talk about three apps that will help you get the most out of your writing experience and that can be used with Google Docs.


If you operate a well-established website that serves the interests of many readers, then it is likely that you either have multiple dedicated bloggers working with you or a team of hired hands to produce content when needed. In either case, getting all of your writers on the same page is vital to success. Workflows is a Google Docs app that allows you to gather approvals and feedback on projects, send out emails to all those connected at once, and otherwise maintain an organized workflow. This free app allows for a seamless tracking of work between writer and client, and will be useful to both you and your writers when it comes to maximizing productivity and minimizing confusion about assignments and the status of various jobs.



Switching back and forth between tabs to figure out different ways of expressing yourself can really add up when it comes to productivity. Luckily, the aptly-named Thesaurus app for Google Docs can shave plenty of time off of the process. It integrates directly and allows users to quickly highlight words and find suitable replacements for them. This can be especially useful when a particular subject results in a writer consistently using the same word to describe a particular topic. Thesaurus is free to download and will come in handy when pinging your website with quality content that fully utilizes all the English language has to offer (as well as several other languages; it has multi-language support).


Conveying a message or having a team discussion via voice is a lot faster than doing so through an email chain. Enter UberConference, which allows you to setup virtual conference calls within Google Docs. You’ll be able to send out a link and have everyone join in at a given time, for free. Users will be able to see everyone who is on the call, who is speaking, and can even collaborate within the call via apps like Evernote and Box. Call summaries can be saved for future reference, and the entire call can even be saved as an MP3 for later review (or for the workers who couldn’t make the call). If your team needs to get together on a regular basis, you can even set the app up to send out invites for conferences at regular intervals. Never has pinging your website with well-written content in a coordinated fashion been easier to manage!

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