Four Efficient Ways to Generate More Attention for Your Brand or Business

In the world of online sales and/or brand management, visibility is key. Even if you have products and services galore, ample quality content and an awesome message, none of that will resonate unless people can actually find you. The act of building a solid, loyal audience takes both time and dedication, but some people are going about it the wrong way. Rather than relying solely on advertisements and passive exposure, brands need to be fighting for organic attention proactively. Today, we’ll let you know about four highly efficient ways to generate more attention for your online brand or business that’ll help bring people to you.

Delve Into the Inspiring, the Controversial and the Intriguing

Many brands may not be able to directly address a wide variety of topics and yet have it relevant to their brand’s focus. This is OK – especially on social media – and it provides brands with the ability to be pinging users with fun, intriguing or even controversial content that leads to more comments, shares, likes and clicks. While some controversial topics should be avoided, being able to generate attention usually involves sharing or posting something that either generates strong opinions or elicits strong emotions. The more content you generate that taps into these emotions, the more interaction and attention you’re guaranteed to receive.

Get Local

Especially true for businesses with physical locations, be sure that your brand is targeting people at a granular level. This can be anything from store locator options to targeted ad campaigns on social media and search engines. Even if your brand serves a national or international audience, targeting potential customers based on their exact location can make reaching new audiences much easier.

Engage in Conversations on Social Media

Whether it is on your brand’s page or somewhere else entirely, joining the conversation is the first step toward generating attention. Ultimately, your brand page or profile can be used to interact in meaningful situations and generate more attention in areas where you might not otherwise be seen. Most social media networks allow business and brand pages to interact on other public posts, meaning that commandeering the brand page (as opposed to a personal profile) and interacting with others is easily done. Likewise, it is essential that any interactions on your own brand’s social media page be addressed as well: this will help increase the number of social signals, ensuring more people who are connected to those who are commenting and sharing will see your brand’s presence.

Encourage Audiences to Share

Whether you’re focused on local business or desire a massive following, you can easily amplify your reach by incorporating a share-friendly culture across all brand channels. By pinging users with share options on each page of your site, encouraging people to share each post you make on social media and delivering quality posts and media that beg to be shared organically, you can ensure that more people are more likely to share more stuff from your website. This ultimately amplifies your reach.

Building a new, bigger audience takes time and work, but you can simplify the process in many ways. By encouraging your audiences to share content, engaging in conversations on social media, focusing locally and prompting dialogue through inspirational and emotional topics, you’ll generate more attention for your brand and ensure it continues to grow for the foreseeable future.


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