Adsense – what it is and how to use it

12 comments, 21/04/2011, by , in General

Adsense is Google’s flexible online advertising medium. It is contextual which means that it reads the contents of a site and then selects suitable relevant ads to post on the site. You can see typical Adsense ads when you use Google to search for a particular term. The first thing to do is to type in what you are looking for and then wait until Google lists the findings. Now look to the right of the listings and you will see some Google ads which are relevant to your search term. The first link in the listing is also usually a Google Adsense ad.

The beauty of Google Adsense is that each time someone clicks on your ad then you get paid!

The ads can be customized to match the look and feel of the site and you can also track the number of links and your earnings with a vast range of online reports. Want to know the best feature? It’s absolutely free! It is also very easy to set up and account and place the code on your site. Let’s take a look at some of the features of Google Adsense in more detail.

Displaying Ads

You can choose where and when the ads are displayed and the type and size of ad to display. It is even possible to specify the type of ad which can compete for the slots on your site. Advertisers bid for each search term and the best are displayed on relevant websites, including your own. This is done via a real time auction and the highest paying ads are displayed.


Getting Paid

Google bills ad networks and advertisers and you get paid each time someone clicks on a Google Adsense link on your site. This happens irrespective of what they do after clicking on the link and Google takes care of all the statistics and payments. It’s very easy and some people earn thousands from Google Adsense each and every month.

Contextual Targeting

This allows you to reach exactly your intended audience which means you can generate more revenue. Adsense matches ads with the content of your site and you can ensure that the colour and style of the ad matches precisely with your site colours and style.

Reporting Tools

Google offers a number of tools to track the performance of your ads. Example includes;

  • Earnings by page, domain or even a specific ad unit on a page.
  • Earnings by date range or a specific time period.
  • Earnings by clicks and impressions.


  1. April 21st, 2011 12:51

    i like adsense very much… but i get some click in this week and my earning not increase. why this is become with me?….


  2. April 22nd, 2011 21:33

    thanks for the details about how we should use google


  3. April 23rd, 2011 5:42

    Adsense is great, but the only problem is it can drive people away from your site.


    • June 8th, 2011 8:00

      I like it very much but my earning is very few,how i can earn better from adsense and blogger site?? please help me….. rabbi


  4. April 28th, 2011 14:02

    It is great to know the great opportunities google adsense provide and the greatest knews of all is that it is free of charge. It is a great way of making additional income on line at home just with your computer with no computer skill required.


  5. May 8th, 2011 8:38

    Earnings by page, domain or even a specific ad unit on a page.


  6. May 9th, 2011 19:04

    thanks for the details i am use google adsense


  7. May 10th, 2011 11:09

    It almost 1yr… but my earning is few bucks only… 🙁


  8. May 15th, 2011 4:51

    @ astovl,

    that’s really low earning,you must do some SEO research and apply into your sites,one can earn a lot with adsense.


  9. May 21st, 2011 16:17

    thank you for detail. ilove google..i will share this page 🙂


  10. May 23rd, 2011 14:54

    You can’t just stick adwords on a page and expect money to roll in. You need to SEO you page to get people there. Your page also needs relevant information. Google serves ads which relates to your on page information so they both work in conjunction.

    Good luck with it!


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