As mobile usage continues to go through the roof – and approaches levels that indicate it may soon overtake desktop devices as the majority-form of internet traffic – countless brands and companies are seeking to cash in on the mobile craze. While these trends may not always be as strong and the... Read more...
Another year, another Apple unveiling. Many people have become quite accustomed to the news that Apple is unveiling another round of new or popular items, but this year marks a notable divergence from that usual trend. In 2014, we saw three new items added to the Apple line-up: two versions of the i... Read more...
As of a couple of weeks ago, Google announced that users of AdWords would no longer be able to select specific matches via bidding, and instead would have to select these in conjunction with likely matches (i.e.: typos and variations of the specific keyword). This has lit the entire AdWords world on... Read more...
Within the past couple of weeks, we have heard about several changes to multiple search engines and the way in which they display ads. First, Google changed its ad program to ensure that close variants were no longer considered separate search queries, which has thrown a wrench into the lives of ad ... Read more...
With so many devices now available to us in our day-to-day lives, it comes as no surprise that millions of people use both desktop and mobile devices on a daily basis. Since the beginning of time (as it relates to computers and the internet), desktop devices have dominated usage statistics across al... Read more...
Here at, we are always trying to come up with new and innovative ideas which will improve your experience and opinion of the Pingler brand. The latest feature that we have designed is an ‘about me’ page, which not only gives other Pingler users the chance to find out more about you... Read more...