Business Mailing Lists – Why They Are So Important

3 comments, 02/07/2012, by , in Making Money, Marketing

Business Mailing ListsStatistics show us that whenever a new visitor comes to your business’ website, they most likely will only visit once and never return. This form of revenue loss is often called traffic leak, and can be the biggest missed opportunity for your business to reach out to these visitors long after they have forgotten about your site. Fortunately for you, this problem does not have to be nearly as bad as it most likely is currently. By building a business mailing list that includes the email addresses of your visitors, you are able to keep in touch, share promotions and offers and build a reputation.

Expand Your Customer Base

Building a business mailing list is vital for repeat business, as well as attracting one-time visitors back to your site for a closer inspection of your products and services. Many sites make it required that visitors provide an email or sign up for a user account (which also requires an email address) in order to view their products or to view the prices. Keeping a balance between accessibility for the user and conversions for your business is key. Once you have a visitor’s email, you have a chance of attracting them back to your site with each successive email you send to them.

Expand Your Revenue

As briefly mentioned before, you have an increased opportunity of a sale with each business email that you send to the individuals on your mailing list. Impressions count, but the content of each email matters, too. You should never abuse the power of having a visitor’s email address to send them useless or poorly-written emails; by keeping the quality of your mailings at the highest level possible, you will have a better overall response rate from each email you send. Aesthetics are also important, and businesses should avoid using contrasting colors or poorly-formatted URLs; Pingler’s URL Shortener can help.

Make A Name For Yourself

It is no secret that the more times someone sees your offering, the more likely they are to engage in a consumer action. What is less talked about, however, is the increased chance of the members of your mailing list forwarding or referring others to your site. We all get emails that may not be relevant to us, but can be relevant to others. This means that your mailing list has a much larger impact than just the people on your list. Every business should view a mailing list as an opportunity to indirectly advertise and build its brand recognition among those interested parties who provided you with their emails.

Some Simple Reminders

Any business email should be professional and to the point. If there is a promotion that you would like to advertise, make sure to feature it in clear images (there is nothing wrong with text, either) and do not try to cram too much into one email solely for the sake of feeling accomplished. The longer the email, the less likely someone will read it in its entirety, anyways. Settle on a general timeframe and frequency by which emails will be sent out; many companies choose to send weekly or monthly emails to the member on their lists.


  1. July 4th, 2012 5:12

    Nice article…

    Thank you


  2. July 7th, 2012 18:04

    Totally excellent and proven online marketing advice.

    Sadly, probably 95% or more of newbie online marketers do not realize that the odds of a first time visitor (complete stranger) actually purchasing anything from your site on their very first visit, is about as likely as two peple getting married after their very first date.

    Unless your business already has incredible brand recognition like a Microsoft or Federal Express etc.

    You need to find inexpensive create ways to consistently reward a certain percentage of visitors to your sites to join your al important follow up email list.

    Which also means that you will definitely need a state of the art paid autoresponder service like either aweber and or Get Response etc.


  3. December 29th, 2012 0:25

    Mailing lists, newsletter, html newsletter…all just pain in the back in the era of social networking…


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