Access Your Computer from Anywhere with the Splashtop 2 Remote Desktop App

0 comments, 22/11/2013, by , in App Reviews

Access AnywhereIf you are an online business owner who does a lot of travelling, goes to a lot of meetings offsite, or simply has to check emails and work related files even from home, you have probably been searching for an easier way to access the contents of your work computer from remote. What if someone told you that you could download an app that lets you access your Mac or PC anytime and anywhere using your mobile device? The Splashtop 2 Remote Desktop app, available on mobile phones and tablets that run on both Android and iOS, may be just what you’ve been searching for to make running your business easier than ever.

To Start, Download Splashtop Streamer to Your Computer

Splashtop Streamer can be downloaded and installed onto your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer, at which point you will need to create a login. Once it is installed onto your computer, you will be able to access everything that is on it, including full audio and video, from your favourite mobile devices, so it will be like you are sitting at your desk working or playing on your computer even though you are at home, on the go, or in another country.

Once you have downloaded Splashtop Streamer to your computer and the Splashtop 2 app to your devices, you can begin syncing them together to access everything you need for personal matters as well as business needs.

Forget About Uploading or Transferring Files

With the Splashtop 2 app, you no longer need to worry about wasting time uploading or transferring files in order to have them available to you on your mobile devices. You simply connect directly to your PC or Mac and get to work.

Upgrades Made to Splashtop 2

Splashtop 2 is an upgrade to the first version of this popular app. It now runs more efficiently and is easier to use while providing you with even more security. The user interface is simple to adjust to. And videos are streamed at up to 30 fps, meaning you will be able to enjoy the same high quality graphics and videos from remote as you would at your desk. Plus, when your data is transmitted, it will be encrypted to prevent hackers from accessing your sensitive information.

Another great upgrade is the ability to use multiple devices with just one user account. So if you want to access the contents of your computer on your tablet and your smartphone, you can now do so without having to choose one over the other. And you can access up to five computers using this one simple app.

Access Everything!

When we say you can access everything from your computer, we mean everything. Splashtop 2 allows you to get your emails, documents, applications, media, games, and web browser with Java and Flash. When you’re running this app on your devices, it will literally be as though you have shrunk your computer down into a mobile version of itself, so it’s definitely a convenient and worthwhile tool for any business owner.

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