How to Boost Your Conversions without Offering Discounts

Laptop CoffeeThere are a lot of businesses that sell products or offer services that can be heavily discounted to gain more customers. Sometimes these discounts can be nominal, time-based, exclusively tied to another offer, or are simply used as a means of familiarising potential customers with their companies. At the same time, not all companies are structured so that offering discounted goods and services is possible. If you fall into this category but you still want to bolster the rate at which your products sell, see if you can give website visitors a few improved reasons to shop with your company.

Try Different Sales Copy

Businesses don’t sell different prices at a range of prices because they are particularly interested in lower profit margins. Instead, product discounting is offered to customers because it works, historically. At any given time, you can find products that range in price offered by various companies because each one has found a price point that works best to convert sales. While changing the price listed on a product can help to convert more sales, there are also other changes that can be instigated to spur conversion rates. Simply changing the sales copy, product descriptions, fonts and colours on a sales page, can aid in boosting conversions.

If your sales pages are merely copies of the information given to you by your suppliers, know that you are competing with a lot of other businesses who are relying on the same text. Fewer customers will be able to find you because your sales pages won’t be indexed properly, and they won’t feel any excitement when they read the same things over and over again. Update your sales copy, keep your prices the same and monitor your sales page conversion rates.

Provide Real Solutions

Even if your company sells nothing but party favours and novelty items, realise that your customers are coming to you in the first place because they believe that you can solve a problem that they have. Your job is to underline what that problem is, highlight how it makes life inconvenient for your shoppers, and then highlight exactly how your solution is going to work. Go into detail about what your products and services will do to help your customer solve their problem, and provide real life examples, testimony and recommendations if you can. Be your client’s best advocate and you will make the sale.

Offer Bonuses

Offering discounts might not be a realistic possibility for your company, but you can add perceived value to your customers by adding on bonuses that are either free or a minimal cost to shoppers. Giving customers upgraded shipping features when they spend a certain dollar amount, or adding bonus items to orders can cause shoppers to feel highly incentivised. Your company doesn’t have to take a major financial loss to include bonus offers to select customers and gain the benefit of higher sales conversions.

Changes to your sales techniques can be subtle or blaringly obvious, but inevitably changes do have to be implemented if sales are to increase. You can try overhauling your sales practices all at once or utilise each one individually so that you are able to see what is working. Sometimes, offering a discount can actually cause customers to believe that your products and services are somehow inferior, so use clever sales technique changes when you can to increase sales rates.

One comment

  1. Jua
    December 13th, 2016 9:00

    Offering bonuses and solving problems are two of the best ways to boost conversion rate, indeed. Sales copy concept was new to me. Thanks for that.


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