How to Use Bing Ads to Make Your Ad Messages and Function Resound

Ads Messages KeyWhile millions upon millions of people use Google and its services to engage in a variety of behaviours, Bing has an impressively-sized market as well. It is because of this fact that millions of people also use Bing for search and marketing purposes, both of which are now intertwined to a large degree. When creating ad copy, you want your pitch to catch readers’ attention spans and persuade them to interact with your business, brand or project. If your Bing ads have been performing less admirably than you wish, then you may be missing out on a few simple tweaks and tips to improve the process. We will chat below about some ways that you can make your messages resound with users, increase engagement and improve ROI.

Ease of Transactional Use

When someone clicks on your ad, what is it they are supposed to do? In some cases, the pitch may be simple: an advertised pair of shoes for sale should redirect you to a page where these items can be purchased. Some ads are designed without pinging networks with more details; the user may arrive on a landing page and then have to go to another page to complete the transaction or conversion. It is highly recommended that you address these issues by ensuring that the ad directs users to the precise page where the desired action should occur. In some cases, this may require altering the page(s) in question and adding a bit more information that would otherwise be found elsewhere, but it is well worth the hassle.

Make the Intent Clear

There have been many attempts to catch the attention of Bing users through the use of catchy advertisements that may not have much to do with the subject at hand, or otherwise obfuscate in an attempt to encourage clicks. This can be a major waste for your ad budget and also usually fails to deliver the desired results even among those who would usually be interested in a direct marketing pitch. When the intent is made clear, users can discern whether or not the subject is suitable to their interests. People do not click on ads because they might be interested; they click on them because they are interested in them.

Be Active

Any ad copy that you create for pinging networks on Bing should contain action verbs and words, which can elicit an action from a user that a bland, matter-of-fact statement simply won’t provide. As you reach out to prospective customers, you have just a tiny amount of text to use in order to make an impression. With colourful verbs that clearly define action in a persuasive way, you can stimulate the minds of readers and further increase the chances of them engaging with the advertisement. As this is the best way to use ad copy, you may wish to have a brainstorming session for action verbs and words that fit your product or cause the best.


Advertising on Bing requires persistence, trial and error, and skill to achieve the best results. If you want to improve the performance of your ads in the long-run, then you need to focus on making the intent clear to readers, be active in the conveyance of your message and ensure that the ad directs users to the relevant page for the desired action.

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