Your First Blog Post: What Should It Be About?

If you run a small business, a great marketing strategy to use is by creating a blog which can help you attract more customers to your company. However, if you aren’t sure where to start, here are a few things to consider as well as what you should include in your first blog post.

Establishing Your Brand

If you have just jumped into the online world, the chances are nobody knows who you are. You will want customers to connect with your brand on a personal level, so ensure you talk about what your business is all about, who you are as a person and whether you are blogging for fun or for professional reasons. The more you open up, the more interest you will attract to your page. Trust is the most important factor in business, so ensure all your posts are relevant, factual and informative.

Reasons for Blogging

Before you make your first post, you need to have a think of why you are blogging in the first place. If customers don’t know why you have created a blog, they will have no reason to trust you. Keeping your readers in mind is incredibly important, so ask yourself why customers would want to come to your blog, what sort of thing they would be looking for, and the benefits that a customer can get from accessing your page. Make sure to tell your readers why your blog is there so they connect with you on a personal and professional level.

What Are You Going to Be Blogging About?

Like the reasons why you are blogging, you should then let your audience know what they should expect when accessing your blog by adding categories. Make sure to let them know exactly what content they will see each time they visit your page. You should also inform your readers on how often you will be updating your blog such as days and times (if you have a schedule in place). Make sure that your blog stands out from the crowd as it can be all too easy to fall into the generic category which may turn potential customers away.

Target Demographic

You should already have an idea of who your target audience is. Instead of trying to cater to the masses, you should narrow down your demographic so that your posts are being read by the right people. You need to know what types of people you are writing for, as well as understanding their traits (lazy, ambitious, busy). The main goal is so you can empathise with your readers, so they feel welcomed from the get-go and trust your page.

State Your Objectives and Goals

The first post on your blog should clearly indicate your objectives and goals for your business. Make sure to outline what you are trying to achieve with the blog and how you want the blog to be within a 3-6-month timeframe. Sharing your objectives with your customers will help them understand that you value transparency.

While it may feel initially daunting when it comes to creating your first blog post, if you include all the elements listed, you are off to a good start. Ensure that you remain honest, open, passionate and consistent with your posts so your readers can trust your brand.

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