Five Places Where You Should Be Sharing Your Content

5 comments, 17/05/2015, by , in Marketing, Social Media

Five SharingBloggers and content creators have routines. These routines are almost always necessary in order to stay on track, produce great content and please readers. Unfortunately, bogged-down routines can sometimes limit our ability to think outside of the box and engage with new opportunities. When content has been created, curators may also have a routine on how to share it. They start publishing it to their blogs and websites, pinging search engines with it, and sharing it on Twitter and Facebook, and hope for the best. There is so much more you can be doing with your content! Today, we’ll talk about five places where you should be sharing your content that aren’t the default venues for seeking virality.

Via Email

If you have put a lot of work into an excellent piece of content, then there is nothing wrong with letting your email subscribers know about it. Email is still one of the most effective mediums through which to drive a message (when factoring in cost and time), so occasionally making use of this excellent platform makes sense for content creators. If your blog or site creates content for multiple topics, then filtering your list into these categories and sharing select content with users based on their interests will help you amplify engagement.


Once content is created, it is generally very easy to change the format and deliver to the masses custom versions based on their preferred medium. SlideShare makes it incredibly easy to produce presentations and slideshows: why not share your content here? With less competition and more aesthetic appeal on the platform, your content can be showcased in the way it deserves to be.


Famous for its ability to expose the masses to content they’d never otherwise see, StumbleUpon can be an excellent venue through which to expose individuals to your content who have demonstrated interest in your topic. As users come across your content, their interest will help increase the likelihood that others will see it too, making it much more likely that your excellent content creation efforts will be rewarded.


The epitome of niche content, Reddit can be a great place in which to expose excellent content to your huddled masses! The popularity of content on Reddit has a tangible effect on visibility – and expectations are generally high – so you’ll want to reserve this option for more complex pieces of content such as videos and infographics. Nevertheless, sharing on Reddit can often beat pinging search engines in terms of the speed at which reach can spread, so this should always be an option in your sharing arsenal.

Google Plus Communities

Last but not least, Google Plus Communities is another excellent way in which to put your content in front of niche audiences. Much like with Reddit, Google Plus Community users are a bit sceptical of content that seems over-promotional, but well-thought out content can do very well here. Users of this network are generally well-informed and engaged with social media, so ignoring this network can cost you plenty of potential reads, shares and other engagements.

These five places – Reddit, Google Plus Communities, StumbleUpon, SlideShare and email – are just a few of the “off the beaten path” places to and through which to share content in order to broaden a brand’s horizons. What other less-traditional platforms do you think are good for sharing content to that often aren’t mentioned? Let us know!


  1. May 19th, 2015 6:38

    I’m a dedicated blogger and I used to share my blog posts on the awesome place mentioned here. But I’m missing traffic from Slideshare as I’m not presenting my content over there.

    Reddit & SU are the excellent places to get like-minded followers. I would like to say that I’m an active G+ user to spread my content.

    Thanks for sharing this nice post in Pingler.


  2. May 30th, 2015 1:56

    I’ve tried slideshare and reddit in the past. If you have a great visual presentation then slideshare can get you over 300+ views per day, however the slides as well the description should be well optimised. As for reddit, its easy to get your content removed if they think you’re spamming them, so be careful what you put out there. Articles like those on Buzzwords and upworthy get accepted more often so try building your content around those models.


  3. June 8th, 2015 19:22

    Aww, it’s looks like I’m missing Reddit, Slideshare all these days. From now onwards, I’ll start using these both two. Thanks for this great post!! 🙂


  4. July 7th, 2015 6:51

    Good List and We have many more websites to share Content like Youtube, Social Bookmarking Websites like and Storify.


  5. August 12th, 2015 19:06

    You can add Twitter to the list. It is very powerful if you have followers from your same industry. It drives a lot of traffic for me. Sometimes, it would increase the Conversions too!


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