Your Cheat Sheet for Holiday Content Production and Marketing

Holiday Cheat SheetWith the holiday season effectively upon us, it is now time to jump into the annual act of producing relevant content for the masses who rely upon the internet at this time of the year. With so much traffic to be obtained and so much money to be made, you’d be a fool to pass up such an opportunity, as it only comes once per year. Targeting an audience during the holiday season may prove to be difficult at first, as you may not know where to begin. Fortunately for you, we have boiled down the components of content marketing and production into a few simple steps, so that you can simplify things and get to work. Continue reading to find out more.

Picking Keywords

Whether you are producing content or finding a way to target those who would be most interested to read it in search, you have to know which keywords are best for your endeavours. If you fail to adequately select the best keywords for your content, then expect failure during a time in which you couldn’t have more to lose. To stay on your A-game, be sure to use tools such as Google Trends in order to be pinging search engines for what is new, hot and in-season. With such tools at your disposal, you’ll be able to quickly see which keywords are best used during a season, and which are better left for all-around use. By going with the keywords that generate a lot of activity in the final months of the year, you’ll be able to launch a quick and effective offensive on the holiday season.

Go Mobile

Because of the nature of holiday season inquiries, using mobile has never made more sense. Most shoppers use their mobile devices to search for products and information while out shopping at brick and mortar stores. If you are well-positioned in the mobile market, then you’ll be able to grab a hold of this traffic and ensure increased traffic and sales. Likewise, someone who has great content but poor mobile optimization strategies will fail to harness this truly powerful force. It is reported that as much as 35 percent of all holiday traffic this year will come through mobile devices, so be aware of ways to optimize both your website and its content for this audience.

Insist on Quality

With recent updates to Panda, the insistence that your content be driven based on quality and consumer demand is even greater for this holiday season. You can accomplish this by ensuring that you are pinging search engines with content that informs, persuades and uses emotion to convey a message. In addition to this, combine your existing efforts with a strong social media presence – Twitter, Instagram and Facebook can all have an auxiliary effect on both SEO and overall reach. You can even take it a step further and begin using YouTube, which provides perhaps more SEO potential than any other social media network. It’s also one of the biggest search engines in the world, so using it with a content strategy to get the word out is an intelligent step this holiday season.

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