The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for an Awesome Landing Page

1 comment, 20/02/2013, by , in General

Cheat SheetLanding pages play a vital role in any form of inbound marketing that a business’ website is attempting to garner. While some landing pages are exquisitely optimized to take maximum advantage of the potential leads, conversions and sales that can be obtained through them, many others are poorly done and result in loss of opportunity – whether that be through neglecting to collect all the necessary information or simply being designed poorly. If your landing pages have not been living up to their expectations or if you are just starting on your first landing page, then continue reading to find out how to design the perfect landing page for your needs.

Taking Care of the Top

The top of your landing page is the most likely place a visitor will notice upon arriving at your site. In order to maximize gains made via the landing page, you will want to include a headline, sub-headings and minimize any menus or links. The headline will inform the reader just exactly what the page is about, while the sub-headers will give more detail; the heading should be one line of text at maximum while the sub-headers should include 10-20 words, further summarizing the intent of the page. By hiding your menus and links on this page, you help to reduce the chance that visitors will become distracted and click off of the landing page before they finish filling out the requested information.

Seal The Deal in the Body

You will want to reaffirm the ideas mentioned in the top of the landing page by using a value statement, some graphics or photos, and a call to action. Generally, the value statement goes directly below the sub-headers and the aesthetic element is featured to the right of it. Below the value statement is where you will want to place your call to action; it should be the very last thing people see when reading from top to bottom within the non-form elements of the landing page. Pinging lists of important information such as this will increase your visibility and conversion rates. Finally, be sure to add social widgets and sharing options somewhere near the bottom as well so visitors can share with their friends, family and acquaintances.

The Form Itself

In many ways, the basic from through which you collect information is the most important element of the landing page. If you are pinging lists with too much required information, it may result in fewer people filling it out, while asking for too little will leave you with a less than ideal amount of information through which you can reach out to your visitors. Generally, name, phone, email, general location and website may be enough information, but it really depends on what you need and which specific call to action you are trying to engage in with your visitors.


Having the perfect landing page is all about combining the right elements. By having your value statement, headline and subtext, form and aesthetic elements in place and complementing one another, you can effectively appeal to the interest of those who come across it. If your landing page is not performing as you wish or you simply are building one from scratch, then please be sure to use this advice for optimal results.

One comment

  1. March 7th, 2013 12:34

    Great post. Short and to the point.


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