Why Marketing on LinkedIn is a Unique Opportunity for Brands

0 comments, 02/09/2019, by , in Marketing, Social Media

Digital marketing is arguably the primary method of advertising for most brands today. Given that traditional forms of advertising are generally expensive and ineffective, the copious number of digital marketing options makes it an incredibly appealing alternative.

Among the options, social media marketing remains one of the more popular options, given its ability to reach large numbers of people, build permanent networks of followers and customers, and the level of customization available on each platform. While networks like Facebook get the lion’s share of attention, other networks offer unique opportunities, with LinkedIn being a prime example.

While it may not be for every brand, let’s take a look at how LinkedIn marketing provides a one-of-a-kind marketing solution for businesses.

Reach Professionals Easily

Most social media networks are designed to be just that: social. While LinkedIn offers this as well, platforms such as Twitter and Facebook are designed more for entertainment and personal communication rather than occupational networking. Given that LinkedIn is the only platform designed for pinging users in a professional setting, it offers unique potential for brands trying to reach this audience.

Marketing efforts on LinkedIn can be built to generate sales, but they can also be used effectively to find potential vendors, employees and the latest industry information. Campaigns can also be used to target specific occupations, which is very useful if one or more products you’re promoting are highly-relevant to specific industries or professions. As such, LinkedIn is a unique platform for reaching individuals based on what they do and what they need.

Generate Better ROIs

Given how prevalent advertising is in today’s world, most consumers have developed a bit of resistance to the constant barrage of messages. This has rendered each individual impression made by a brand less powerful over time, but given the sheer cost and flexibility of marketing across a variety of platforms, it is easily overcome in most situations.

With LinkedIn, studies have shown that ads produce better conversion rates than other social media platforms. This means that your ad campaigns will yield better results in terms of the percentage of meaningful impressions generated, and in theory, allows brands to work with smaller audiences. While advertising on LinkedIn tends to cost more per impression than on most other platforms, the benefits still outweigh this. Given that brands can run ads with as little as a $10 daily budget, even the smallest endeavors can still reach audiences.

Target Audiences with Precision

While most social media networks allow a variety of customizations to be made to various ad campaigns, LinkedIn offers unique features that can make reaching targeted audiences even more effective. The platform offers something known as Matched Audience Targeting, which involves assessing your information and data, and using that to more effectively begin pinging users with similar interests and relationships. Features like this can take an already-filtered audience and further refine it for even greater benefit.

While LinkedIn isn’t necessarily a marketing solution for every business or brand, those that benefit from B2B relations – or even those in search of talented individuals for employment or networking – can find immense value in it. This unique platform offers an opportunity for businesses to further improve their marketing prowess and extract great benefit when utilized effectively.

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