Why and How to Market Video Content

0 comments, 26/04/2014, by , in Marketing

Video ContentWith both the internet and technology continuing to evolve, it comes as no surprise that more brands are now focusing on the creation of quality video content for their customers, subscribers and readers. Not only can video content add a new perspective to an otherwise stale subject, but it can help boost sales and provide more information to individuals who might otherwise go somewhere else for the information. In 2014, it is vital that you adopt some form of video content strategy in order to improve SEO, boost social sharing and lure in new individuals via paid marketing. Below, we’ll discuss why and how you need to market and create video content for the masses.

Why This Is Important

The internet is changing rapidly, with the audience of the world changing its habits to adjust. Just a few years ago, less than one-quarter of the world’s internet traffic had internet access developed enough to be able to stream videos. Today, that number is over 50% and will soon be nearly three-quarters. Just about everyone will be able to enjoy video content soon enough, so it’s a game-changer that must be addressed. Sites such as YouTube already have more unique visitors each month than any social media website, which is intrinsically tied into Google’s algorithms; optimized video content on here can help boost your site’s SERPs across the board.

How to Create Quality Video Content

Before you begin creating any video, you first need to ask yourself a few questions. The first question should pertain to what action specifically you want your viewers to do upon watching the video. Do you want them to be pinging networks with it? Do you want them to sign up for an email list? Do you want them to purchase an item?

Once this is determined, you then need to figure out your target audience and address the video to them. A well-made video that is not aimed at a target demographic will certainly flounder. You’ll also need to understand the core message of your video and be sure to make that clear throughout the presentation. Lastly, you want to have a way to encourage these individuals to connect with your brand permanently, so you can reach out later with more videos and various forms of content.

How to Market Your Videos

To begin with, you will need a video channel on YouTube (as well as other platforms, preferably) through which your content can be uploaded and promoted. Once these videos are in place, you can easily incorporate them with short blurbs on social media and push them out occasionally as status updates. Be sure to link to these videos in your blog posts and articles as well, especially if they are informative or of a how-to nature. These videos will need to be optimized on the platforms to which they’re uploaded with keywords, and social media presents opportunities for hashtags to be used to gain more targeted exposure. Last but not least, be sure to optimize these videos for sources such as Google News, where late-breaking videos can do very well at pinging networks related to current events.

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