Improve Your Content Marketing Strategies with These Simple Fixes

0 comments, 07/11/2015, by , in Marketing

Fix PlugContent marketing can be a very rewarding – and frustrating – experience for bloggers, brands and businesses. The ability to reach new audiences has never been greater. From email and social media to paid advertising and search, there are many venues through which new markets can be targeted. In order to succeed with content marketing, however, a variety of tactics and methods must be considered. What works for some content marketers may not work for others, putting brands and bloggers in a difficult situation from time to time. If you feel as if your content marketing experience could be enhanced, then continue reading to find out about some fixes that can help.

Evaluate Your Content Consistency

In order to be effective at content marketing, you must know and appeal to your audience. This means you must then deliver content that is suitable to their interests. However, all too many content creators make the mistake of only serving up one type of content in order to please their audiences. Now is a great time to begin pinging your website and content history to see which types of content you offer and how often. If you are only publishing articles with text, then this is a guaranteed way in which to underperform. Podcasts, videos, infographics and slideshows are just a few of the many forms of content you should be providing to users. By evaluating your content consistency and ensuring that you provide multiple types of content in the future, you’ll be able to keep audiences interested.

Increase Content Size

Did you know that longer blog posts and articles perform better in search? Multiple studies have shown that the longer the content, the higher it ranks in search results. Shorter pieces of content are sometimes necessary – not everything can be 3,000 words – but more detailed pieces of content can often perform better due to the fact that more readers and viewers will share the content due to it being more informative. With videos and other forms of content: while search engines won’t necessarily interpret elements such as infographics in the same regard, the generally increased positive reception from viewers due to views, shares and backlinks will result in better overall rankings in search for both the content and your domain.

Mix Up the Content When Possible

While each post or update may be thought of as a singular piece of content, proper content marketing strategies utilize multiple forms of content in each apparent piece of content. Users can quickly recycle older pieces of content – such as videos, podcasts and images – by referencing them in new content, such as blog posts. With most content marketers covering old territory on a recurring basis, it becomes much easier to enhance the overall content experience for users. This also provides search engines with more opportunities when pinging your website to find content-rich pages, helping to further boost rankings in search. At the end of the day, your audience will also appreciate additional forms of embedded content in each new article or post, as it helps provide them with more information and entertainment.

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