Why Brick and Mortar Businesses Need to Care About Mobile SEO

0 comments, 27/04/2014, by , in SEO

SEO Bricks If you currently run a brick and mortar business, then you probably have experienced some fall-off in business over the years due to the ever-emerging model of e-commerce. When people are able to order products and services from the comfort of their own homes and often at comparable prices, the need to shop elsewhere is severely limited. What we are quickly learning about some forms of e-commerce, however, should give business owners new hope that they can recoup much of this business. Local mobile searches are a particular point of interest, as research shows that a larger amount of purchases through this process of inquiry actually occurs in-store. Below, we’ll discuss the reasons why your brick and mortar institution still needs to be optimized for mobile SEO.

People Still Appreciate Instant Gratification

The biggest element as to why brick and mortar companies must care about mobile SEO implications is the fact that most people still prefer purchasing items in-person. The cost competitiveness of the internet has made it possible for online retailers to undercut traditional stores, but many people are willing to pay a slight premium to have the item in question same-day – assuming they can find it locally. Your local SEO efforts can help you be seen by those who perform mobile searches while out and about, which is when you are most likely to pick up business through this method. A quick search by a potential customer for an online solution can quickly lead them to a store – hopefully yours – just a few blocks away.

Mobile Search Still Revolves Around Brick & Mortar

Studies have shown that more than sixty percent of all local mobile searches are for shops and restaurants, which gives us insight into the mind of an average consumer: people still want to purchase locally. This means that not only is mobile search still valuable for those who are pinging for SEO, but it can also be used to target susceptible shoppers who want to find better solutions locally. You can quickly optimize your pages for SEO via keyword targeting and mobile dynamic layouts that ensure your site can be viewed properly on mobile devices. Traditional layouts do not perform well in mobile searches, so you’ll need to address this element before you can get the most out of this angle.

People Search for All Sorts of Information

When optimizing your business for mobile search, you’ll want to ensure that pinging for SEO is just one of the considerations. Local search results via Google will display a variety of pieces of information. It has been shown that users most often search for hours of operation, special offers, ratings, the company’s website address and nearest available parking, in that order. By including all of this information in your SEO tactics, you can ensure that the chance for top-level performance is maximized and satisfy as many customers as possible at once. After all, many people may forgo your business if they aren’t sure whether you are currently open or if there is parking available. This seemingly tiny detail can make a difference both in search engine ratings and in the minds of your readers.

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