Unconventional Web Design Can Be a Good Thing

0 comments, 28/11/2012, by , in General

As technology and elements of design have advanced thanks to an increased ability to be creative in digital format, the choices a webmaster has in regards to building a functional, professional website have expanded. Unfortunately, many web designers and webmasters forgo the art of being creative and instead seek the path of least resistance; it can be sad to see how many websites use simple, default themes rather than embracing all that the concept of web design has to offer. Many fail to ascertain just how much of a good thing unconventional web design can be: we’re here to tell you why you should adopt this technique.


In years past, it was much more difficult to build a custom, clever website that could balance functionality and aesthetics. Thankfully, with newer techniques such as paging in Java, Flash and custom content management systems, the ability to provide functionality inside a sleek, unusual design is now easier than ever. Many web interfaces allow you to install plugins directly to the site, and there is virtually a limitless amount of plugins that can do just about anything. Many new sites have an unconventional design that is used to attract users and keep them coming back; beauty goes a long way.

Theme Versatility

You may discover that there is an unconventional theme for a platform such as WordPress that you would like to use – but you may wish to add a few of your own tweaks and features. Thankfully, custom CSS editors are built into most platforms. This will allow you to quickly be able to edit code, add features and change any variables that need to be altered for your perfect design. So don’t be conventional and simply accept a theme or template straight out of the box; roll up your sleeves and add the aesthetic elements you really want!

Don’t Be Afraid

Many web designers and webmasters are afraid to go the unconventional route for a number of reasons. The biggest reason among web designers is that they are afraid their clients will not like the result or that they will only want to deal with the tried and true methods. Webmasters are afraid that if the layout and design of the website is altered too much, then there may be search engine optimization conflicts. Fortunately, there are workarounds for both if you are willing to do the appropriate research. Whether you are paging in Java or using PHP to create the desired result, do not be afraid to dip your feet into the waters of the unknown.


When venturing into the unknown, unconventional fields of web design, you should be prepared to have time and dedication on your hands. While you may become frustrated when attempting to get all elements and aspects functioning perfectly, it will be worth it to you and your visitors. We often have to work hard to achieve the best that we are capable of, and designing a website is no different. Keep your head high, your wrists elevated on your keyboard and begin the process of creating the next big thing!

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