What Facebook Ad Campaign Objectives Are Important?

0 comments, 08/06/2016, by , in Marketing, Social Media

Facebook CampaignPaid marketing strategies have increasingly become popular on the web due to their relative low cost and efficiency. Search engines, social media networks and affiliate networks alike have all created ways for brands and businesses to be seen by relevant shoppers and users, showing them content that resonates with their current needs. Facebook has created perhaps the most well-refined paid marketing solution on the web – certainly on social media – and allows brands to advertise for next to nothing to targeted audiences. There are many different campaign objectives that can be met through Facebook advertising: which ones are most important to your brand? We’ll discuss a few of them below to help you make the right decision.

Post Engagement

Perhaps the most common Facebook Ads objectives, the post engagement objective will ensure that any particular post you have targeted for visibility receives additional likes, shares and comments. This can be perfect for those who need to promote something specific in the here and now, or those who want to generate a call to action. It is usually ideal to test the waters before promoting a given post in a paid fashion; try posting organically first to see if there is any potential for engagement. If and once the post appears to be performing well, then you can create a campaign for it.

Website Clicks

Facebook Ads can also be used to increase the amount of traffic your website receives. Whether you want to direct people to your home page or a specific page on the website, pinging URLs via Facebook Ads is super easy and can quickly help drive traffic via relevant audiences. These ads won’t appear in people’s news feeds like many other objectives, unfortunately, but they can still be seen from the right-hand side of the page. Many people use this to direct individuals to landing pages for subscription services and products.

Page Likes

The next most common objective via Facebook Ads is the page likes objective. Simply put, Facebook will design the ad and method of display in order to boost the number of people who like/connect with your Facebook page. This is the ideal goal for those who want to build bigger audiences on Facebook for the long-term, which will increase organic reach over time. You can lure people to engage with this feature by promoting great content, discounts and other common tactics.

Event RSVPs

If you are planning a big event but are not pinging URLs efficiently enough to fill the house, then Facebook Ads has an objective for you: event RSVPs. This objective is very useful for businesses and brands that want to hold local events. Whether you are planning a grand opening, a local charity event, fundraiser or big sale, you can make sure everyone is aware of it by using this form of Facebook advertising.

There are several other Facebook Ads objectives that may prove helpful to you. Which of these is most useful in your day-to-day brand management? Tell us all about it below in the comments section.

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