The Best Ways to Improve Your Email Opt-Ins

0 comments, 09/11/2013, by , in Marketing

Opt-In KeyIn the world of content marketing, social media and e-commerce, millions of people seek to better their brands and themselves through the use of mailing lists. These mailing lists can be used for anything from product promotion to community action, and provide users with a reliable form of communication that is guaranteed to reach users. Many websites and companies, however, find it difficult to convince their readers and customers to subscribe for continuous updates. If your brand is currently facing this dilemma, then you will want to continue reading in order to find out about the best ways in which you can boost email opt-ins and grow your subscriber base.

Make It Fun

One way in which you can encourage readers and customers to opt-in is through the use of games or other entertaining features that can be accessed once the subscription is complete. Some websites have implemented a game that pops up once an email address has been submitted, which can be advertised on the opt-in page or below an opt-in box. While a trivial game may not seem like a great way to boost subscriptions, many webmasters have reported a ten to twenty-five percent increase in subscriptions after such a project is implemented. When you think outside of the box and make the act of signing up fun, this also conveys a message to users that your mailing list is fun.

Make It Moving

Many websites use pop-ups and other elements to remind users to subscribe to their mailing lists. If your business or brand is involved with a cause or is pinging servers with information about an important subject, you should definitely consider incorporating these elements into any pitch. Many times, an emotional plea (when applicable) can be the best way to move an individual to action – in this case, subscribing for future updates. You can even consider using pop-ups that pose a question to users: if they answer “correctly”, then you can display the email subscription form as a way to encourage them to be informed and involved.

Make It Economical

If you currently are pinging servers with great deals, products and services, then there is a decent chance that your readers may wish to partake in this. What better way to reward their behaviour than through a discount? Many sites will offer subscribers coupons through their mailing lists – users simply provide their email addresses and receive a select amount off their first purchase. In addition to this, you can push coupons to users via email on a regular basis and encourage repeat business. Most people will not provide details such as an email address unless they expect to gain something of value. There is no better way to convey this than through the use of discounts and other promotions designed to save them money.


In the age where dozens of emails may find their way to users’ inboxes on a daily basis, it can be hard to convince users to provide you with their email addresses. The best ways in which you can do this involve the use of entertainment to make the process more enjoyable, the use of emotion to tap into a desire or belief, and an economical aspect to help them save money.

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