What to Know About On-Page SEO

0 comments, 15/02/2021, by , in SEO, Web Design

One of the most fundamental aspects of search engine optimization revolves around the usage of key tactics and elements on each web page. While some aspects of SEO require an immense knowledge of technical issues and others focus on shallow areas such as keywords alone, on-page SEO bridges the gap and helps brand score in more precise, targeted search engine results pages.

Yet the differences between various types of SEO are often unclear for many and the phrase on-page SEO may be somewhat foreign to novice SEO enthusiasts. With that being said, what are the basics of on-page SEO and what is worth focusing on when starting your own brand’s journey in this area?

Keep reading to learn what you should know and how it can help your brand.

Why Does On-Page SEO Matter?

Search engines like Google assess every single page of a website that can be reached or indexed. In doing so, search engine algorithms analyze the content and then determine its context, quality and other important factors based on a complex series of variables. It also assesses more technical aspects of each page, such as headings, formatting and keywords.

Ultimately, if a page is poorly optimized (whether due to content quality or a lack of other optimizations), it is not going to feature prominently in search engine results. For those pinging search engines with content in the hopes of being seen, on-page SEO is a crucial component of the process. By focusing on these elements on the front-end, brands, businesses and blogs can avoid major headaches later.

Content Quality Is Crucial

The overall quality of content is perhaps the single most important elements to on-page SEO. While the focus of on-page SEO tutorials often relates to specific formatting and customization issues, content quality affects whether or not these other elements will even matter in terms of having a shot at ranking prominently in search results.

There are a few broader concepts to consider when seeking to optimize content quality on one or more pages. First, the content in question should be relevant to the niche(s) being targeted by broader SEO efforts; if content isn’t relevant to the SERP or niche, then it won’t rank.

Additionally, providing as much detail and clarity as possible is crucial for positive user reception. Remember that search engines assess user experience in determining how and where pages will rank: if the content doesn’t resonate with audiences, then your optimizations will have little use.

Crucial On-Page Optimizations

Besides broader content itself, what are some other optimizations that affect on-page SEO?

Keywords and title tags are important factors that must be optimized properly.

Properly formatted URLs (that utilize page/post titles and are relevant to targeted search results) are another major component to on-page SEO.

Meta descriptions – despite some debate – still play a role when pinging search engines like Bing.

Last but not least, media optimization (for items such as images) help improve mobile friendliness and can further add context to your pages when described properly.

On-page SEO is an important part of achieving optimal search engine visibility. Now that you know a bit more about the tenets of on-page SEO, you can begin to build a strategy that uplifts your website (and its pages) and generates the reach your brand deserves.

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